Genome Analysis Toolkit

Variant Discovery in High-Throughput Sequencing Data

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Developed in the Data Sciences Platform at the Broad Institute, the toolkit offers a wide variety of tools with a primary focus on variant discovery and genotyping. Its powerful processing engine and high-performance computing features make it capable of taking on projects of any size. Learn more

JexlEngine - ![0,14]: 'ReadPosRankSum < -20.0;' undefined variable ReadPosRankSum For GATK VariantFiltration



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    Gökalp Çelik

    Hi Y R

    Warning messages are normal since not all the variant contexts have all the info tags present. Those that do not have those tags will throw this warning. Output file will still be valid.


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    Y R

    Thank you. Is there a way to suppress warnings unless it is an error?

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    Gökalp Çelik

    Sure you can. There is a parameter for suppressing logs unless a certain level is reached. 

    --verbosity <LogLevel>        Control verbosity of logging.  Default value: INFO. Possible values: {ERROR, WARNING,
                                  INFO, DEBUG}

    Setting this parameter to ERROR will suppress all logs unless it is an error message. But this also means that you will lose all the info messages along the way. 



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    Y R

    Gökalp Çelik If I set the verbosity to `--verbosity ERROR` will it only show the errors or will it show everything but the errors? Would this suppress the warnings I am getting? Or should I do something else?

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    Gökalp Çelik

    It will only show errors. INFO and WARNING messages will be gone. 

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    Y R

    Gökalp Çelik Therefore that is the best option for a script that has already been debugged to suppress the warning messages? Is there anything else you would suggest?

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    Gökalp Çelik

    That is how GATK logger is configured in the source. If you think this behavior is wrong or unacceptable we are open for suggestions and pull requests (not without a stringent review of course) to accomodate better options.

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    Y R

    I was just curious. Thank you Gökalp Çelik.

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