Error in MutSigCV on GenePattern
REQUIRED for all errors and issues:
a) GATK version used:
b) Exact command used:
c) Entire program log:
Dear Sir/Madam,
I'm using MutSigCV(v1.35) on GenePattern to discover driver mutations in some cohorts. The input files were generated by function 'prepareMutSig' in R package 'maftools' and their formats were consistent with example file.
However, some errors occured in the job, only 5 output files including 'categs.txt', 'coverage.txt', 'mutations.txt', 'stdout.txt' and 'stderr.txt''. The file 'sig_genes.txt' which should record driver genes with their p-values was not obtained successfully.
The error messages was:
silent and nonsilent rates are too different Error in gp_MutSigCV (line 194)'
I checked the 'stdout.txt' and found that MutSigCV: PREPROCESS was finished, while the code ended in MutSigCV: RUN and the last line was 'Building n and N tables...'
I have consulted with staff of GenePattern Help Forum. And Their suggestion was to seek help at GATK forum since they were not familiar with the algorithm. I would appreciate it if there is a solution to my problem or any substitute methods to discover driver mutation in a cohort.
Hi HT Liu
MutSigCV is quite old and currently not supported by anyone from our team therefore our suggestion would be to try using MutSigCV v2 and you may ask your questions there in the issues section of the github page.
We hope this helps.
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