normal sample AF in Mutect2 paired mode
Hi all,
I have a question regarding the variants' AF value reported in the normal sample when using Mutect2 in paired mode.
I have noticed that AF in the normal sample is never 0, even in those cases where AD says that there are 0 reads with ALT.
For example, for this deletion (first INFO column is for normal sample and second tumoral sample):
chr15 65150921 . GAAAAGCCATGTTTGTTTTTTTAAAATAAAAAATGGAGGTAAACATGATCTTTAAAATCA G . PASS AS_FilterStatus=SITE;AS_SB_TABLE=24,75|5,36;DP=162;ECNT=1;GERMQ=66;MBQ=38,40;MFRL=182,215;MMQ=60,60;MPOS=35;NALOD=1.5;NLOD=8.39;POPAF=6;TLOD=160.96 GT:AD:AF:DP:F1R2:F2R1:FAD:SB 0/0:41,0:0.032:41:1,0:15,0:31,5:10,31,0,0 0/1:58,41:0.459:99:11,9:19,12:45,38:14,44,5,36
In the normal sample:
AD = 41,0
AF = 0.032
What I see in igv: 0
Another example for a SNV:
chr1 13391966 . A G . PASS AS_FilterStatus=SITE;AS_SB_TABLE=21,13|7,6;DP=49;ECNT=1;GERMQ=66;MBQ=20,40;MFRL=147,256;MMQ=60,40;MPOS=19;NALOD=-1.687;NLOD=3.03;POPAF=6;TLOD=52.12GT:AD:AF:DP:F1R2:F2R1:FAD:SB 0/0:34,1:0.074:35:3,0:21,1:24,1:21,13,0,1 0/1:0,12:0.93:12:0,5:0,6:0,12:0,0,7,5
In the normal sample:
AD = 34,1
AF = 0.074
What I see in igv: 0.28
How is AF calculated? Is it calculated from the reallignment Mutect2 does?
Should I recalculate it form AD? Because I would expect AF to be 0 in the normal sample for somatic mutations.
Thanks in advance.
REQUIRED for all errors and issues:
a) GATK version used:
b) Exact command used:
gatk --java-options "-Xmx36g" Mutect2 \
--input WES_FD_N_1-1.converted.cram --input WES_FD_T_1-1.converted.cram \
--output WES_FD_T_1_vs_WES_FD_N_1.mutect2.vcf.gz \
--reference GRCh38.d1.vd1.fa \
--intervals chr1_12081-12251.bed \
--tmp-dir . \
--f1r2-tar-gz WES_FD_T_1_vs_WES_FD_N_1.mutect2.f1r2.tar.gz --normal-sample WES_FD_N_1 --genotype-germline-sites
The AFs emitted by Mutect2 are the means of the posterior distribution on cell fraction conditioned on a variant existing. The AF of 0.032 you see, for example, means "if this variant is really present in the normal (not that Mutect2 thinks it is), then our best guess of its allele fraction in the normal sample's cells is 0.032".
Hi, I'm glad I found this post because I had the same question regarding non-zero AF values.
What would be the best method to filter out variants that have zero ALT reads? I'm thinking about counting ALT variants in reads and if there are zero assign "real" AF = 0. Maybe there are better methods?
I'm using Mutect2 (GATK to call somatic variants in whole exome tumor-normal pairs.
The command in my scripts looks like this:
docker run --rm -v $WDIR:$WDIR -v $REFDIR:$REFDIR -w $WDIR/bam \
broadinstitute/gatk:$VERSION \
gatk \
Mutect2 \
--native-pair-hmm-threads $THREADS \
-R $REFG \
--germline-resource "$REFDIR/gatk-BP-somatic-hg38/af-only-gnomad.hg38.vcf.gz" \
-normal $SAMPLE_NORMAL \
-O $WDIR/vcf/$ID.unfiltered.vcfThanks for developing these tools!
Germline AF calculation in Mutect2 has its own merits from population genetics and genotypic priors. But if you absolutely filter out any 0 ALT allele in normals you may use our VariantFiltration tool with to manually filter those sites.
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