Genome Analysis Toolkit

Variant Discovery in High-Throughput Sequencing Data

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Developed in the Data Sciences Platform at the Broad Institute, the toolkit offers a wide variety of tools with a primary focus on variant discovery and genotyping. Its powerful processing engine and high-performance computing features make it capable of taking on projects of any size. Learn more

Minimum median mapping quality output query



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    David Benjamin

    That documentation is for GATK  Now MMQ and MBQ include all alleles, reference and alt(s).

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    So my confusion is whether the two values are for ref and alt alleles or it is for the samples. 


    [30, 30]
    [60, 60]

    is it ["Sample1 MMQ","Sample2 MMQ"] ? #in this case it is tumor-normal pair


    is it ["REF MMQ","ALT MMQ"] ?

    and same for MBQ

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    David Benjamin

    It's ref MMQ, alt MMQ, with the median taken over tumor reads only (in multi-sample mode this may include more than one tumor sample), and likewise for MBQ.

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    m RNA

    I checked with my g.vcf files. in the more recent version of results, MMQ=60,44,60, which contains three numbers (what's that mean?). However, in the historical version of results, MMQ=24,0, only two numbers. This make GenomicsDBImport doesn't work, and popup error message like "VCF2BinaryException : Mismatch in field length and field length descriptor: the field MMQ has 2 elements; expected 3"

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    David Benjamin

    You would get three numbers for MMQ if there are two alt alleles.

    Why are you generating GVCF files?

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