Genome Analysis Toolkit

Variant Discovery in High-Throughput Sequencing Data

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Developed in the Data Sciences Platform at the Broad Institute, the toolkit offers a wide variety of tools with a primary focus on variant discovery and genotyping. Its powerful processing engine and high-performance computing features make it capable of taking on projects of any size. Learn more

How to remove strand bias from a virus-derived signal-end NGS dataset



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    David Benjamin

    Fadi Alnaji FilterMutectCalls relies not only on the stats file but on several annotations produced by Mutect2.  Is it an option to use Mutect2 instead of lofreq?

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    Fadi Alnaji

    Thank you very much David; yeah, I am just not sure of the compatibility of Mutect2 with the viral minority variants and quasispecies. Additionally, I am dealing with a large number of samples and was hoping not to repeat all of them using another pipeline. Nonetheless, since there is no specific solution for this, the best thing to do is to run one or two samples with Mutect2 and compare the results with lofreq.

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    David Benjamin

    It's worth a try, at least.  It can't be that expensive to re-run on a genome that small, I would hope.  We don't have much experience with viruses, but if I had to guess I would recommend running Mutect2 in mitochondria mode as the best approximation.

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    Fadi Alnaji

    Thank you, David; yes, I will try that! 

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