Somatic mutations detection using mutect2
REQUIRED for all errors and issues:
a) GATK version used: 4.1.5
b) Exact command used: See below
c) Entire program log:
Hello Gatk team,
I ran mutect2 on tumor bam file and normal bam file separately: Here is the command used:
#tumor bam file
gatk Mutect2 -R $idx -I ${fn}_markup_primaryonly.bam -tumor ${LB} -O ${fn}_mutect2.vcf.gz
#normal bam file
gatk Mutect2 -R $idx -I ${fn}_markup_primaryonly.bam -tumor ${LB} -O ${fn}_mutect2.vcf.gz
I checked some of the positions in both the vcf files(tumor and normal). They were present in both, so I thought I should filter them as they would be germline variants since normal has it also.
But then I also ran mutect2 as below where I added tumor bam and normal bam in the same command:
gatk Mutect2 -R $idx -I tumor.bam -tumor tumorname -I normal.bam -normal normalbam -O somatic.vcf.gz
My question is, I still see same positions in the somatic.vcf.gz file. I thought since I used normal.bam file, mutect2 will filter out those positions. but that is not happening. Any help is appreciated.
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