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Variant Discovery in High-Throughput Sequencing Data

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Developed in the Data Sciences Platform at the Broad Institute, the toolkit offers a wide variety of tools with a primary focus on variant discovery and genotyping. Its powerful processing engine and high-performance computing features make it capable of taking on projects of any size. Learn more

Cannot parallelize GATK



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    Anthony DiCi

    Hi Shaun Clare,

    Thank you for writing to the GATK forum! I hope that we can help you sort this out.

    You are correct that it seems to append another filename to the current one; the %09%20%20 means that there's a TAB character and two spaces between file:///nfs4/HORT/Bassil_Lab/HopSex/AAC5HWMM5_21538.sorted.bam and AAC7WMGM5_W1130-068.sorted.bam. I can only explain this by the command getting a malformed input string, which means that not GATK is the problem, but something with your piping from ls | parallel … doesn't work as you expect. Can you please verify that GATK gets exactly one file path per call?

    Thank you! I look forward to your reply.



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    You can try writing the bam list into a file, then use parallel -a to use that list as input

    For Ex.

    ls *.sorted.bam > input_list # Not the best way to be frank
    find $PWD -name "*.sorted.bam" > input_list # Recommended, also gives full path of bam files
    parallel -a input_list ~~~ rest of the command ~~~


    We've also noticed, sometimes parallel can get fussy then using multiple repeating {} elements.

    You could make a function for haplotypecaller, export it and then call the function with parallel.

    # Assuming bash
    haplo_call () {
    gatk haplotypecaller ~~~ your commands~~~
    export -f haplo_call
    parallel -a bam_list haplo_call {1}
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    Shaun Clare

    I managed to fix it by modifying ls to write as one column using:

    ls -1 *.sorted.bam | <rest of command>

    I'm not sure why it worked in the first place, or maybe I accidentally deleted part of my code at some point. Thank you for your replies. I mainly wanted to use this way to save writing files


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    Anthony DiCi

    Hi Shaun Clare,

    I'm glad that we were able to help solve this issue collectively! Thank you for being a valued contributor to the GATK community.

    Please do not hesitate to reach out with any other questions/issues in the future!

    kvn95ss Thank you for your contribution to the GATK forum. We greatly value collaboration between other members of the GATK community.


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