Getting Started
Best Practices Workflows
Getting started with GATK4
GATK — properly pronounced "Gee-ay-tee-kay" (/dʒi•eɪ•ti•keɪ/) and not "Gat-ka... -
About the GATK Best Practices
This document provides important context information about how the GATK Best ... -
GATK Best Practices for Structural Variation Discovery on Single Samples
GATK-SV is a structural variation discovery pipeline for Illumina short-read ... -
Mitochondrial short variant discovery (SNVs + Indels)
The mitochondrial genome poses several challenges to the identification and u... -
Somatic short variant discovery (SNVs + Indels)
Identify somatic short variants (SNVs and Indels) in one or more tumor sample... -
Germline short variant discovery (SNPs + Indels)
Purpose Identify germline short variants (SNPs and Indels) in one or more in...
(How to) Run germline single sample short variant discovery in DRAGEN mode
DRAGEN-GATK introduced several new changes to GATK, including two new tools, ... -
(How to) Generate an unmapped BAM from FASTQ or aligned BAM
Objective Here we outline how to generate an unmapped BAM (uBAM) from either... -
(Notebook) Intro to using Mutect2 for somatic data
In this hands-on tutorial — the Terra Workspace of which is available here — ... -
(How to) Install all software packages required to follow the GATK Best Practices
Objective Install all software packages required to follow the GATK Best Pra... -
(How to) Map and clean up short read sequence data efficiently
(How to) Map and clean up short read sequence data efficiently In this tut... -
(How to) Map reads to a reference with alternate contigs like GRCH38
This exploratory tutorial provides instructions and example data to map shor...
Computing Platforms
GATK on IBM Cloud
Running Cromwell on IBM Cloud IBM Cloud (formerly called IBM Bluemix and IBM... -
GATK on the cloud with Terra
Terra (formerly called FireCloud) is a cloud-based bioinformatics platform th... -
Running GATK on the cloud (Overview)
There are many ways to run GATK for your analyses, and the best option for yo... -
GATK on the cloud with Azure
We aim to provide the research community with a range of options for running ... -
GATK on local HPC infrastructure
GATK can be deployed on high performance computing (HPC) systems using an HPC... -
GATK on Alibaba Cloud
Alibaba Cloud, the largest cloud provider in China, has developed open-source...
Which training sets arguments should I use for running VQSR?
This document describes the resource datasets and arguments that we recommend... -
FAQ for Mutect2
Here is a collection of questions related to Mutect2 that we frequently find ... -
What is physical phasing?
In the format field of a PGT (Pre-Implantation Genetic Testing) VCF, you may ... -
Where can I get the GATK source code? Is it open-source?
YES! Starting with GATK4 it is fully open-source under a BSD 3-clause license... -
Are there Best Practices for calling variants in RNAseq data?
We are working on updating our recommended workflow for calling variants in R... -
Does GATK work on non-diploid organisms?
YES! In general most GATK tools don't care about ploidy. The major exception...
Note that the information in this documentation guide is targeted at end-users. For developers, the source code and related resources are available on GitHub.