Category Metrics
Metrics generated by CollectHsMetrics for the analysis of target-capture sequencing experiments. The metrics in this class fall broadly into three categories:
- Basic sequencing metrics that are either generated as a baseline against which to evaluate other metrics or because they are used in the calculation of other metrics. This includes things like the genome size, the number of reads, the number of aligned reads etc.
- Metrics that are intended for evaluating the performance of the wet-lab assay that generated the data. This group includes metrics like the number of bases mapping on/off/near baits, %selected, fold 80 base penalty, hs library size and the hs penalty metrics. These metrics are calculated prior to some of the filters are applied (e.g. low mapping quality reads, low base quality bases and bases overlapping in the middle of paired-end reads are all counted).
- Metrics for assessing target coverage as a proxy for how well the data is likely to perform in downstream applications like variant calling. This group includes metrics like mean target coverage, the percentage of bases reaching various coverage levels, and the percentage of bases excluded by various filters. These metrics are computed using the strictest subset of the data, after all filters have been applied.
GATK version built at Wed, 12 Oct 2022 21:04:44 -0400.
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