Tool determines the barcode for each read in an Illumina lane.
This tool determines the numbers of reads containing barcode-matching sequences and provides statistics on the quality of these barcode matches.
Illumina sequences can contain at least two types of barcodes, sample and molecular (index). Sample barcodes (B in the read structure) are used to demultiplex pooled samples while index barcodes (M in the read structure) are used to differentiate multiple reads of a template when carrying out paired-end sequencing. Note that this tool only extracts sample (B) and not molecular barcodes (M).
Barcodes can be provided in the form of a list (BARCODE_FILE) or a string representing the barcode (BARCODE). The BARCODE_FILE contains multiple fields including 'barcode_sequence' (or 'barcode_sequence_1'), 'barcode_sequence_2' (optional), 'barcode_name', and 'library_name'. In contrast, the BARCODE argument is used for runs with reads containing a single barcode (nonmultiplexed) and can be added directly as a string of text e.g. BARCODE=CAATAGCG.
Data is output per lane/tile within the BaseCalls directory with the file name format of 's_{lane}_{tile}_barcode.txt'. These files contain the following tab-separated columns:
- Read subsequence at barcode position
- Y or N indicating if there was a barcode match
- Matched barcode sequence (empty if read did not match one of the barcodes)
- The number of mismatches if there was a barcode match
- The number of mismatches to the second best barcode if there was a barcode match
For poorly matching barcodes, the order of specification of barcodes can cause arbitrary output differences.
Usage example:
java -jar picard.jar ExtractIlluminaBarcodes \Please see the ExtractIlluminaBarcodes.BarcodeMetric definitions for a complete description of the metrics produced by this tool.
LANE=1 \
BARCODE_FILE=barcodes.txt \
Category Base Calling
Determine the barcode for each read in an Illumina lane. For each tile, a file is written to the basecalls directory of the form s_ExtractIlluminaBarcodes (Picard) specific arguments
This table summarizes the command-line arguments that are specific to this tool. For more details on each argument, see the list further down below the table or click on an argument name to jump directly to that entry in the list.
Argument name(s) | Default value | Summary | |
Required Arguments | |||
Barcode sequence. These must be unique, and all the same length. This cannot be used with reads that have more than one barcode; use BARCODE_FILE in that case. | ||
Tab-delimited file of barcode sequences, barcode name and, optionally, library name. Barcodes must be unique and all the same length. Column headers must be 'barcode_sequence' (or 'barcode_sequence_1'), 'barcode_sequence_2' (optional), 'barcode_name', and 'library_name'. | ||
The Illumina basecalls directory. | ||
--LANE -L |
Lane number. | ||
Per-barcode and per-lane metrics written to this file. | ||
A description of the logical structure of clusters in an Illumina Run, i.e. a description of the structure IlluminaBasecallsToSam assumes the data to be in. It should consist of integer/character pairs describing the number of cycles and the type of those cycles (B for Sample Barcode, M for molecular barcode, T for Template, and S for skip). E.g. If the input data consists of 80 base clusters and we provide a read structure of "28T8M8B8S28T" then the sequence may be split up into four reads: * read one with 28 cycles (bases) of template * read two with 8 cycles (bases) of molecular barcode (ex. unique molecular barcode) * read three with 8 cycles (bases) of sample barcode * 8 cycles (bases) skipped. * read four with 28 cycles (bases) of template The skipped cycles would NOT be included in an output SAM/BAM file or in read groups therein. | ||
Optional Tool Arguments | |||
--arguments_file |
read one or more arguments files and add them to the command line | ||
false | Compress output s_l_t_barcode.txt files using gzip and append a .gz extension to the file names. | |
HAMMING | The distance metric that should be used to compare the barcode-reads and the provided barcodes for finding the best and second-best assignments. | |
--help -h |
false | display the help message | |
1 | Maximum mismatches for a barcode to be considered a match. | |
2 | Maximum allowable number of no-calls in a barcode read before it is considered unmatchable. | |
1 | Minimum difference between number of mismatches in the best and second best barcodes for a barcode to be considered a match. | |
0 | Minimum base quality. Any barcode bases falling below this quality will be considered a mismatch even if the bases match. | |
2 | The minimum quality (after transforming 0s to 1s) expected from reads. If qualities are lower than this value, an error is thrown.The default of 2 is what the Illumina's spec describes as the minimum, but in practice the value has been observed lower. | |
1 | Run this many PerTileBarcodeExtractors in parallel. If NUM_PROCESSORS = 0, number of cores is automatically set to the number of cores available on the machine. If NUM_PROCESSORS < 0 then the number of cores used will be the number available on the machine less NUM_PROCESSORS. | |
Where to write _barcode.txt files. By default, these are written to BASECALLS_DIR. | ||
--version |
false | display the version number for this tool | |
Optional Common Arguments | |||
5 | Compression level for all compressed files created (e.g. BAM and VCF). | |
false | Whether to create an index when writing VCF or coordinate sorted BAM output. | |
false | Whether to create an MD5 digest for any BAM or FASTQ files created. | |
client_secrets.json | Google Genomics API client_secrets.json file path. | |
500000 | When writing files that need to be sorted, this will specify the number of records stored in RAM before spilling to disk. Increasing this number reduces the number of file handles needed to sort the file, and increases the amount of RAM needed. | |
false | Whether to suppress job-summary info on System.err. | |
Reference sequence file. | ||
One or more directories with space available to be used by this program for temporary storage of working files | ||
--USE_JDK_DEFLATER -use_jdk_deflater |
false | Use the JDK Deflater instead of the Intel Deflater for writing compressed output | |
--USE_JDK_INFLATER -use_jdk_inflater |
false | Use the JDK Inflater instead of the Intel Inflater for reading compressed input | |
STRICT | Validation stringency for all SAM files read by this program. Setting stringency to SILENT can improve performance when processing a BAM file in which variable-length data (read, qualities, tags) do not otherwise need to be decoded. | |
INFO | Control verbosity of logging. | |
Advanced Arguments | |||
--showHidden |
false | display hidden arguments |
Argument details
Arguments in this list are specific to this tool. Keep in mind that other arguments are available that are shared with other tools (e.g. command-line GATK arguments); see Inherited arguments above.
read one or more arguments files and add them to the command line
List[File] []
Barcode sequence. These must be unique, and all the same length. This cannot be used with reads that have more than one barcode; use BARCODE_FILE in that case.
Exclusion: This argument cannot be used at the same time as BARCODE_FILE
R List[String] []
Tab-delimited file of barcode sequences, barcode name and, optionally, library name. Barcodes must be unique and all the same length. Column headers must be 'barcode_sequence' (or 'barcode_sequence_1'), 'barcode_sequence_2' (optional), 'barcode_name', and 'library_name'.
Exclusion: This argument cannot be used at the same time as BARCODE
R File null
The Illumina basecalls directory.
R File null
Compress output s_l_t_barcode.txt files using gzip and append a .gz extension to the file names.
boolean false
Compression level for all compressed files created (e.g. BAM and VCF).
int 5 [ [ -∞ ∞ ] ]
Whether to create an index when writing VCF or coordinate sorted BAM output.
Boolean false
Whether to create an MD5 digest for any BAM or FASTQ files created.
boolean false
The distance metric that should be used to compare the barcode-reads and the provided barcodes for finding the best and second-best assignments.
The --DISTANCE_MODE argument is an enumerated type (DistanceMetric), which can have one of the following values:
- Hamming distance: The n-th base in the read is compared against the n-th base in the barcode. Unequal bases and low quality bases are considered mismatches. No-call read-bases are not considered mismatches.
- Leniant Hamming distance: The n-th base in the read is compared against the n-th base in the barcode. Unequal bases are considered mismatches. No-call read-bases, or those with low quality are not considered mismatches.
- FREE Metric: A Levenshtein-like metric that performs a simple Smith-Waterman with mismatch, gap open, and gap extend costs all equal to 1. Insertions or deletions at the ends of the read or barcode do not count toward the distance. No-call read-bases, or those with low quality are not considered mismatches.
DistanceMetric HAMMING
Google Genomics API client_secrets.json file path.
String client_secrets.json
--help / -h
display the help message
boolean false
--LANE / -L
Lane number.
R Integer null
Maximum mismatches for a barcode to be considered a match.
int 1 [ [ -∞ ∞ ] ]
Maximum allowable number of no-calls in a barcode read before it is considered unmatchable.
int 2 [ [ -∞ ∞ ] ]
When writing files that need to be sorted, this will specify the number of records stored in RAM before spilling to disk. Increasing this number reduces the number of file handles needed to sort the file, and increases the amount of RAM needed.
Integer 500000 [ [ -∞ ∞ ] ]
Per-barcode and per-lane metrics written to this file.
R File null
Minimum difference between number of mismatches in the best and second best barcodes for a barcode to be considered a match.
int 1 [ [ -∞ ∞ ] ]
Minimum base quality. Any barcode bases falling below this quality will be considered a mismatch even if the bases match.
int 0 [ [ -∞ ∞ ] ]
The minimum quality (after transforming 0s to 1s) expected from reads. If qualities are lower than this value, an error is thrown.The default of 2 is what the Illumina's spec describes as the minimum, but in practice the value has been observed lower.
int 2 [ [ -∞ ∞ ] ]
Run this many PerTileBarcodeExtractors in parallel. If NUM_PROCESSORS = 0, number of cores is automatically set to the number of cores available on the machine. If NUM_PROCESSORS < 0 then the number of cores used will be the number available on the machine less NUM_PROCESSORS.
int 1 [ [ -∞ ∞ ] ]
Where to write _barcode.txt files. By default, these are written to BASECALLS_DIR.
File null
Whether to suppress job-summary info on System.err.
Boolean false
A description of the logical structure of clusters in an Illumina Run, i.e. a description of the structure IlluminaBasecallsToSam assumes the data to be in. It should consist of integer/character pairs describing the number of cycles and the type of those cycles (B for Sample Barcode, M for molecular barcode, T for Template, and S for skip). E.g. If the input data consists of 80 base clusters and we provide a read structure of "28T8M8B8S28T" then the sequence may be split up into four reads:
* read one with 28 cycles (bases) of template
* read two with 8 cycles (bases) of molecular barcode (ex. unique molecular barcode)
* read three with 8 cycles (bases) of sample barcode
* 8 cycles (bases) skipped.
* read four with 28 cycles (bases) of template
The skipped cycles would NOT be included in an output SAM/BAM file or in read groups therein.
R String null
Reference sequence file.
File null
--showHidden / -showHidden
display hidden arguments
boolean false
One or more directories with space available to be used by this program for temporary storage of working files
List[File] []
--USE_JDK_DEFLATER / -use_jdk_deflater
Use the JDK Deflater instead of the Intel Deflater for writing compressed output
Boolean false
--USE_JDK_INFLATER / -use_jdk_inflater
Use the JDK Inflater instead of the Intel Inflater for reading compressed input
Boolean false
Validation stringency for all SAM files read by this program. Setting stringency to SILENT can improve performance when processing a BAM file in which variable-length data (read, qualities, tags) do not otherwise need to be decoded.
The --VALIDATION_STRINGENCY argument is an enumerated type (ValidationStringency), which can have one of the following values:
ValidationStringency STRICT
Control verbosity of logging.
The --VERBOSITY argument is an enumerated type (LogLevel), which can have one of the following values:
LogLevel INFO
display the version number for this tool
boolean false
GATK version built at Thu, 16 Dec 2021 11:57:48 -0800.
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