Runs BWA (if specified), MarkDuplicates, BQSR, and HaplotypeCaller on unaligned or aligned reads to generate a VCF.
Category Short Variant Discovery
ReadsPipelineSpark is our standard pipeline that takes unaligned or aligned reads and runs BWA (if specified), MarkDuplicates, BQSR, and HaplotypeCaller. The final result is analysis-ready variants.Examples
gatk ReadsPipelineSpark \ -I gs://my-gcs-bucket/aligned_reads.bam \ -R gs://my-gcs-bucket/reference.fasta \ --known-sites gs://my-gcs-bucket/sites_of_variation.vcf \ -O gs://my-gcs-bucket/output.vcf \ -- \ --sparkRunner GCS \ --cluster my-dataproc-cluster
To additionally align reads with BWA-MEM:
gatk ReadsPipelineSpark \ -I gs://my-gcs-bucket/unaligned_reads.bam \ -R gs://my-gcs-bucket/reference.fasta \ --known-sites gs://my-gcs-bucket/sites_of_variation.vcf \ --align -O gs://my-gcs-bucket/output.vcf \ -- \ --sparkRunner GCS \ --cluster my-dataproc-cluster
Additional Information
Read filters
This Read Filter is automatically applied to the data by the Engine before processing by ReadsPipelineSpark.
ReadsPipelineSpark specific arguments
This table summarizes the command-line arguments that are specific to this tool. For more details on each argument, see the list further down below the table or click on an argument name to jump directly to that entry in the list.
Argument name(s) | Default value | Summary | |
Required Arguments | |||
--input -I |
BAM/SAM/CRAM file containing reads | ||
--known-sites |
the known variants | ||
--output -O |
the output vcf | ||
--reference -R |
Reference sequence file | ||
Optional Tool Arguments | |||
--align |
false | whether to perform alignment using BWA-MEM | |
--alleles |
The set of alleles to force-call regardless of evidence | ||
--annotate-with-num-discovered-alleles |
false | If provided, we will annotate records with the number of alternate alleles that were discovered (but not necessarily genotyped) at a given site | |
--annotation -A |
One or more specific annotations to add to variant calls | ||
--annotation-group -G |
One or more groups of annotations to apply to variant calls | ||
--annotations-to-exclude -AX |
One or more specific annotations to exclude from variant calls | ||
--arguments_file |
read one or more arguments files and add them to the command line | ||
--assembly-region-padding |
100 | Number of additional bases of context to include around each assembly region | |
--bam-partition-size |
0 | maximum number of bytes to read from a file into each partition of reads. Setting this higher will result in fewer partitions. Note that this will not be equal to the size of the partition in memory. Defaults to 0, which uses the default split size (determined by the Hadoop input format, typically the size of one HDFS block). | |
--base-quality-score-threshold |
18 | Base qualities below this threshold will be reduced to the minimum (6) | |
--binary-tag-name |
the binary tag covariate name if using it | ||
--bqsr-baq-gap-open-penalty |
40.0 | BQSR BAQ gap open penalty (Phred Scaled). Default value is 40. 30 is perhaps better for whole genome call sets | |
--bwa-mem-index-image -image |
The BWA-MEM index image file name that you've distributed to each executor | ||
--conf |
Spark properties to set on the Spark context in the format = | ||
--contamination-fraction-to-filter -contamination |
0.0 | Fraction of contamination in sequencing data (for all samples) to aggressively remove | |
--dbsnp -D |
dbSNP file | ||
--default-base-qualities |
-1 | Assign a default base quality | |
--deletions-default-quality |
45 | default quality for the base deletions covariate | |
--disable-sequence-dictionary-validation |
false | If specified, do not check the sequence dictionaries from our inputs for compatibility. Use at your own risk! | |
--do-not-mark-unmapped-mates |
false | Enabling this option will mean unmapped mates of duplicate marked reads will not be marked as duplicates. | |
--dont-use-dragstr-pair-hmm-scores |
false | disable DRAGstr pair-hmm score even when dragstr-params-path was provided | |
--dragen-mode |
--dragstr-het-hom-ratio |
2 | het to hom prior ratio use with DRAGstr on | |
--dragstr-params-path |
location of the DRAGstr model parameters for STR error correction used in the Pair HMM. When provided, it overrides other PCR error correcting mechanisms | ||
--duplicate-scoring-strategy -DS |
SUM_OF_BASE_QUALITIES | The scoring strategy for choosing the non-duplicate among candidates. | |
--duplicate-tagging-policy |
DontTag | Determines how duplicate types are recorded in the DT optional attribute. | |
--emit-original-quals |
false | Emit original base qualities under the OQ tag | |
--enable-dynamic-read-disqualification-for-genotyping |
false | Will enable less strict read disqualification low base quality reads | |
--founder-id |
Samples representing the population "founders" | ||
--gcs-max-retries -gcs-retries |
20 | If the GCS bucket channel errors out, how many times it will attempt to re-initiate the connection | |
--gcs-project-for-requester-pays |
Project to bill when accessing "requester pays" buckets. If unset, these buckets cannot be accessed. User must have storage.buckets.get permission on the bucket being accessed. | ||
--genotype-assignment-method -gam |
USE_PLS_TO_ASSIGN | How we assign genotypes | |
--global-qscore-prior |
-1.0 | Global Qscore Bayesian prior to use for BQSR | |
--graph-output -graph |
Write debug assembly graph information to this file | ||
--help -h |
false | display the help message | |
--heterozygosity |
0.001 | Heterozygosity value used to compute prior likelihoods for any locus. See the GATKDocs for full details on the meaning of this population genetics concept | |
--heterozygosity-stdev |
0.01 | Standard deviation of heterozygosity for SNP and indel calling. | |
--indel-heterozygosity |
1.25E-4 | Heterozygosity for indel calling. See the GATKDocs for heterozygosity for full details on the meaning of this population genetics concept | |
--indels-context-size -ics |
3 | Size of the k-mer context to be used for base insertions and deletions | |
--insertions-default-quality |
45 | default quality for the base insertions covariate | |
--interval-merging-rule -imr |
ALL | Interval merging rule for abutting intervals | |
--intervals -L |
One or more genomic intervals over which to operate | ||
--low-quality-tail |
2 | minimum quality for the bases in the tail of the reads to be considered | |
--max-assembly-region-size |
300 | Maximum size of an assembly region | |
--max-reads-per-alignment-start |
50 | Maximum number of reads to retain per alignment start position. Reads above this threshold will be downsampled. Set to 0 to disable. | |
--maximum-cycle-value -max-cycle |
500 | The maximum cycle value permitted for the Cycle covariate | |
--min-assembly-region-size |
50 | Minimum size of an assembly region | |
--min-base-quality-score -mbq |
10 | Minimum base quality required to consider a base for calling | |
--mismatches-context-size -mcs |
2 | Size of the k-mer context to be used for base mismatches | |
--mismatches-default-quality |
-1 | default quality for the base mismatches covariate | |
--native-pair-hmm-threads |
4 | How many threads should a native pairHMM implementation use | |
--native-pair-hmm-use-double-precision |
false | use double precision in the native pairHmm. This is slower but matches the java implementation better | |
--num-reducers |
0 | For tools that shuffle data or write an output, sets the number of reducers. Defaults to 0, which gives one partition per 10MB of input. | |
--num-reference-samples-if-no-call |
0 | Number of hom-ref genotypes to infer at sites not present in a panel | |
--output-bam |
the output bam | ||
--output-mode |
EMIT_VARIANTS_ONLY | Specifies which type of calls we should output | |
--output-shard-tmp-dir |
when writing a bam, in single sharded mode this directory to write the temporary intermediate output shards, if not specified .parts/ will be used | ||
--pedigree -ped |
Pedigree file for determining the population "founders" | ||
--population-callset -population |
Callset to use in calculating genotype priors | ||
--preserve-qscores-less-than |
6 | Don't recalibrate bases with quality scores less than this threshold (with -bqsr) | |
--program-name |
Name of the program running | ||
--quantize-quals |
0 | Quantize quality scores to a given number of levels | |
--quantizing-levels |
16 | number of distinct quality scores in the quantized output | |
--read-shard-padding |
100 | Each read shard has this many bases of extra context on each side. Read shards must have as much or more padding than assembly regions. | |
--read-shard-size |
5000 | Maximum size of each read shard, in bases. For good performance, this should be much larger than the maximum assembly region size. | |
--remove-all-duplicates |
false | If true do not write duplicates to the output file instead of writing them with appropriate flags set. | |
--remove-sequencing-duplicates |
false | If true do not write optical/sequencing duplicates to the output file instead of writing them with appropriate flags set. | |
--sample-name -ALIAS |
Name of single sample to use from a multi-sample bam | ||
--sample-ploidy -ploidy |
2 | Ploidy (number of chromosomes) per sample. For pooled data, set to (Number of samples in each pool * Sample Ploidy). | |
--sharded-output |
false | For tools that write an output, write the output in multiple pieces (shards) | |
--single-end-alignment -se |
false | Run single-end instead of paired-end alignment | |
--spark-master |
local[*] | URL of the Spark Master to submit jobs to when using the Spark pipeline runner. | |
--spark-verbosity |
Spark verbosity. Overrides --verbosity for Spark-generated logs only. Possible values: {ALL, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, FATAL, OFF, TRACE} | ||
--standard-min-confidence-threshold-for-calling -stand-call-conf |
30.0 | The minimum phred-scaled confidence threshold at which variants should be called | |
--strict |
false | whether to use the strict implementation or not (defaults to the faster implementation that doesn't strictly match the walker version) | |
--use-nio |
false | Whether to use NIO or the Hadoop filesystem (default) for reading files. (Note that the Hadoop filesystem is always used for writing files.) | |
--use-original-qualities -OQ |
false | Use the base quality scores from the OQ tag | |
--use-posteriors-to-calculate-qual -gp-qual |
false | if available, use the genotype posterior probabilities to calculate the site QUAL | |
--version |
false | display the version number for this tool | |
Optional Common Arguments | |||
--add-output-vcf-command-line |
true | If true, adds a command line header line to created VCF files. | |
--create-output-bam-index -OBI |
true | If true, create a BAM index when writing a coordinate-sorted BAM file. | |
--create-output-bam-splitting-index |
true | If true, create a BAM splitting index (SBI) when writing a coordinate-sorted BAM file. | |
--create-output-variant-index -OVI |
true | If true, create a VCF index when writing a coordinate-sorted VCF file. | |
--disable-read-filter -DF |
Read filters to be disabled before analysis | ||
--disable-tool-default-read-filters |
false | Disable all tool default read filters (WARNING: many tools will not function correctly without their default read filters on) | |
--exclude-intervals -XL |
One or more genomic intervals to exclude from processing | ||
--gatk-config-file |
A configuration file to use with the GATK. | ||
--interval-exclusion-padding -ixp |
0 | Amount of padding (in bp) to add to each interval you are excluding. | |
--interval-padding -ip |
0 | Amount of padding (in bp) to add to each interval you are including. | |
--interval-set-rule -isr |
UNION | Set merging approach to use for combining interval inputs | |
false | Whether to suppress job-summary info on System.err. | |
--read-filter -RF |
Read filters to be applied before analysis | ||
--read-index |
Indices to use for the read inputs. If specified, an index must be provided for every read input and in the same order as the read inputs. If this argument is not specified, the path to the index for each input will be inferred automatically. | ||
--read-validation-stringency -VS |
SILENT | Validation stringency for all SAM/BAM/CRAM/SRA files read by this program. The default stringency value SILENT can improve performance when processing a BAM file in which variable-length data (read, qualities, tags) do not otherwise need to be decoded. | |
--splitting-index-granularity |
4096 | Granularity to use when writing a splitting index, one entry will be put into the index every n reads where n is this granularity value. Smaller granularity results in a larger index with more available split points. | |
--tmp-dir |
Temp directory to use. | ||
--use-jdk-deflater -jdk-deflater |
false | Whether to use the JdkDeflater (as opposed to IntelDeflater) | |
--use-jdk-inflater -jdk-inflater |
false | Whether to use the JdkInflater (as opposed to IntelInflater) | |
--verbosity |
INFO | Control verbosity of logging. | |
Advanced Arguments | |||
--active-probability-threshold |
0.002 | Minimum probability for a locus to be considered active. | |
--adaptive-pruning |
false | Use Mutect2's adaptive graph pruning algorithm | |
--adaptive-pruning-initial-error-rate |
0.001 | Initial base error rate estimate for adaptive pruning | |
--all-site-pls |
false | Annotate all sites with PLs | |
--allele-informative-reads-overlap-margin |
2 | Likelihood and read-based annotations will only take into consideration reads that overlap the variant or any base no further than this distance expressed in base pairs | |
--allow-non-unique-kmers-in-ref |
false | Allow graphs that have non-unique kmers in the reference | |
--apply-bqd |
false | If enabled this argument will apply the DRAGEN-GATK BaseQualityDropout model to the genotyping model for filtering sites due to Linked Error mode. | |
--apply-frd |
false | If enabled this argument will apply the DRAGEN-GATK ForeignReadDetection model to the genotyping model for filtering sites. | |
--bam-output -bamout |
File to which assembled haplotypes should be written | ||
--bam-writer-type |
CALLED_HAPLOTYPES | Which haplotypes should be written to the BAM | |
--comparison -comp |
Comparison VCF file(s) | ||
--contamination-fraction-per-sample-file -contamination-file |
Tab-separated File containing fraction of contamination in sequencing data (per sample) to aggressively remove. Format should be "" (Contamination is double) per line; No header. | ||
--debug-assembly -debug |
false | Print out verbose debug information about each assembly region | |
--disable-cap-base-qualities-to-map-quality |
false | If false this disables capping of base qualities in the HMM to the mapping quality of the read | |
--disable-optimizations |
false | Don't skip calculations in ActiveRegions with no variants | |
--disable-spanning-event-genotyping |
false | If enabled this argument will disable inclusion of the '*' spanning event when genotyping events that overlap deletions | |
--disable-symmetric-hmm-normalizing |
false | Toggle to revive legacy behavior of asymmetrically normalizing the arguments to the reference haplotype | |
--disable-tool-default-annotations |
false | Disable all tool default annotations | |
--do-not-correct-overlapping-quality |
false | Disable overlapping base quality correction | |
--do-not-run-physical-phasing |
false | Disable physical phasing | |
--dont-increase-kmer-sizes-for-cycles |
false | Disable iterating over kmer sizes when graph cycles are detected | |
--dont-use-dragstr-priors |
false | Forfeit the use of the DRAGstr model to calculate genotype priors. This argument does not have any effect in the absence of DRAGstr model parameters (--dragstr-model-params) | |
--dont-use-soft-clipped-bases |
false | Do not analyze soft clipped bases in the reads | |
--emit-ref-confidence -ERC |
NONE | Mode for emitting reference confidence scores (For Mutect2, this is a BETA feature) | |
--enable-all-annotations |
false | Use all possible annotations (not for the faint of heart) | |
--expected-mismatch-rate-for-read-disqualification |
0.02 | Error rate used to set expectation for post HMM read disqualification based on mismatches | |
--floor-blocks |
false | Output the band lower bound for each GQ block regardless of the data it represents | |
--force-active |
false | If provided, all regions will be marked as active | |
--force-call-filtered-alleles -genotype-filtered-alleles |
false | Force-call filtered alleles included in the resource specified by --alleles | |
--gvcf-gq-bands -GQB |
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 70, 80, 90, 99] | Exclusive upper bounds for reference confidence GQ bands (must be in [1, 100] and specified in increasing order) | |
--indel-size-to-eliminate-in-ref-model |
10 | The size of an indel to check for in the reference model | |
--kmer-size |
[10, 25] | Kmer size to use in the read threading assembler | |
--linked-de-bruijn-graph |
false | If enabled, the Assembly Engine will construct a Linked De Bruijn graph to recover better haplotypes | |
--mapping-quality-threshold-for-genotyping |
20 | Control the threshold for discounting reads from the genotyper due to mapping quality after the active region detection and assembly steps but before genotyping. NOTE: this is in contrast to the --minimum-mapping-quality argument which filters reads from all parts of the HaplotypeCaller. If you would like to call genotypes with a different threshold both arguments must be set. | |
--max-alternate-alleles |
6 | Maximum number of alternate alleles to genotype | |
--max-effective-depth-adjustment-for-frd |
0 | Set the maximum depth to modify FRD adjustment to in the event of high depth sites (0 to disable) | |
--max-genotype-count |
1024 | Maximum number of genotypes to consider at any site | |
--max-mnp-distance -mnp-dist |
0 | Two or more phased substitutions separated by this distance or less are merged into MNPs. | |
--max-num-haplotypes-in-population |
128 | Maximum number of haplotypes to consider for your population | |
--max-prob-propagation-distance |
50 | Upper limit on how many bases away probability mass can be moved around when calculating the boundaries between active and inactive assembly regions | |
--max-unpruned-variants |
100 | Maximum number of variants in graph the adaptive pruner will allow | |
--min-dangling-branch-length |
4 | Minimum length of a dangling branch to attempt recovery | |
--min-pruning |
2 | Minimum support to not prune paths in the graph | |
--num-pruning-samples |
1 | Number of samples that must pass the minPruning threshold | |
--pair-hmm-gap-continuation-penalty |
10 | Flat gap continuation penalty for use in the Pair HMM | |
--pair-hmm-implementation -pairHMM |
FASTEST_AVAILABLE | The PairHMM implementation to use for genotype likelihood calculations | |
--pcr-indel-model |
CONSERVATIVE | The PCR indel model to use | |
--phred-scaled-global-read-mismapping-rate |
45 | The global assumed mismapping rate for reads | |
--pruning-lod-threshold |
2.302585092994046 | Ln likelihood ratio threshold for adaptive pruning algorithm | |
--pruning-seeding-lod-threshold |
9.210340371976184 | Ln likelihood ratio threshold for seeding subgraph of good variation in adaptive pruning algorithm | |
--recover-all-dangling-branches |
false | Recover all dangling branches | |
--round-down-quantized |
false | Round quals down to nearest quantized qual | |
--showHidden |
false | display hidden arguments | |
--smith-waterman |
JAVA | Which Smith-Waterman implementation to use, generally FASTEST_AVAILABLE is the right choice | |
--soft-clip-low-quality-ends |
false | If enabled will preserve low-quality read ends as softclips (used for DRAGEN-GATK BQD genotyper model) | |
--static-quantized-quals |
Use static quantized quality scores to a given number of levels (with -bqsr) | ||
--transform-dragen-mapping-quality |
false | If enabled this argument will map DRAGEN aligner aligned reads with mapping quality <=250 to scale up to MQ 50 | |
--use-filtered-reads-for-annotations |
false | Use the contamination-filtered read maps for the purposes of annotating variants | |
Deprecated Arguments | |||
--recover-dangling-heads |
false | This argument is deprecated since version 3.3 | |
--use-new-qual-calculator -new-qual |
true | Use the new AF model instead of the so-called exact model |
Argument details
Arguments in this list are specific to this tool. Keep in mind that other arguments are available that are shared with other tools (e.g. command-line GATK arguments); see Inherited arguments above.
Minimum probability for a locus to be considered active.
double 0.002 [ [ -∞ ∞ ] ]
Use Mutect2's adaptive graph pruning algorithm
A single edge multiplicity cutoff for pruning doesn't work in samples with variable depths, for example exomes
and RNA. This parameter enables the probabilistic algorithm for pruning the assembly graph that considers the
likelihood that each chain in the graph comes from real variation.
boolean false
Initial base error rate estimate for adaptive pruning
Initial base error rate guess for the probabilistic adaptive pruning model. Results are not very sensitive to this
parameter because it is only a starting point from which the algorithm discovers the true error rate.
double 0.001 [ [ -∞ ∞ ] ]
--add-output-vcf-command-line / -add-output-vcf-command-line
If true, adds a command line header line to created VCF files.
boolean true
whether to perform alignment using BWA-MEM
boolean false
Annotate all sites with PLs
Advanced, experimental argument: if SNP likelihood model is specified, and if EMIT_ALL_ACTIVE_SITES output mode is set, when we set this argument then we will also emit PLs at all sites.
This will give a measure of reference confidence and a measure of which alt alleles are more plausible (if any).
- This feature will inflate VCF file size considerably.
- All SNP ALT alleles will be emitted with corresponding 10 PL values.
- An error will be emitted if EMIT_ALL_ACTIVE_SITES is not set, or if anything other than diploid SNP model is used
boolean false
Likelihood and read-based annotations will only take into consideration reads that overlap the variant or any base no further than this distance expressed in base pairs
int 2 [ [ -∞ ∞ ] ]
The set of alleles to force-call regardless of evidence
FeatureInput[VariantContext] null
Allow graphs that have non-unique kmers in the reference
By default, the program does not allow processing of reference sections that contain non-unique kmers. Disabling
this check may cause problems in the assembly graph.
boolean false
If provided, we will annotate records with the number of alternate alleles that were discovered (but not necessarily genotyped) at a given site
Depending on the value of the --max_alternate_alleles argument, we may genotype only a fraction of the alleles being sent on for genotyping.
Using this argument instructs the genotyper to annotate (in the INFO field) the number of alternate alleles that were originally discovered at the site.
boolean false
--annotation / -A
One or more specific annotations to add to variant calls
Which annotations to include in variant calls in the output. These supplement annotations provided by annotation groups.
List[String] []
--annotation-group / -G
One or more groups of annotations to apply to variant calls
Which groups of annotations to add to the output variant calls.
Any requirements that are not met (e.g. failing to provide a pedigree file for a pedigree-based annotation) may cause the run to fail.
List[String] []
--annotations-to-exclude / -AX
One or more specific annotations to exclude from variant calls
Which annotations to exclude from output in the variant calls. Note that this argument has higher priority than the
-A or -G arguments, so these annotations will be excluded even if they are explicitly included with the other
List[String] []
If enabled this argument will apply the DRAGEN-GATK BaseQualityDropout model to the genotyping model for filtering sites due to Linked Error mode.
boolean false
If enabled this argument will apply the DRAGEN-GATK ForeignReadDetection model to the genotyping model for filtering sites.
boolean false
read one or more arguments files and add them to the command line
List[File] []
Number of additional bases of context to include around each assembly region
Parameters that control assembly regions
int 100 [ [ -∞ ∞ ] ]
--bam-output / -bamout
File to which assembled haplotypes should be written
The assembled haplotypes and locally realigned reads will be written as BAM to this file if requested. Really
for debugging purposes only. Note that the output here does not include uninformative reads so that not every
input read is emitted to the bam.
Turning on this mode may result in serious performance cost for the caller. It's really only appropriate to
use in specific areas where you want to better understand why the caller is making specific calls.
The reads are written out containing an "HC" tag (integer) that encodes which haplotype each read best matches
according to the haplotype caller's likelihood calculation. The use of this tag is primarily intended
to allow good coloring of reads in IGV. Simply go to "Color Alignments By > Tag" and enter "HC" to more
easily see which reads go with these haplotype.
Note that the haplotypes (called or all, depending on mode) are emitted as single reads covering the entire
active region, coming from sample "HC" and a special read group called "ArtificialHaplotype". This will increase the
pileup depth compared to what would be expected from the reads only, especially in complex regions.
Note also that only reads that are actually informative about the haplotypes are emitted. By informative we mean
that there's a meaningful difference in the likelihood of the read coming from one haplotype compared to
its next best haplotype.
If multiple BAMs are passed as input to the tool (as is common for M2), then they will be combined in the bamout
output and tagged with the appropriate sample names.
The best way to visualize the output of this mode is with IGV. Tell IGV to color the alignments by tag,
and give it the "HC" tag, so you can see which reads support each haplotype. Finally, you can tell IGV
to group by sample, which will separate the potential haplotypes from the reads. All of this can be seen in
this screenshot
String null
maximum number of bytes to read from a file into each partition of reads. Setting this higher will result in fewer partitions. Note that this will not be equal to the size of the partition in memory. Defaults to 0, which uses the default split size (determined by the Hadoop input format, typically the size of one HDFS block).
long 0 [ [ -∞ ∞ ] ]
Which haplotypes should be written to the BAM
The type of BAM output we want to see. This determines whether HC will write out all of the haplotypes it
considered (top 128 max) or just the ones that were selected as alleles and assigned to samples.
The --bam-writer-type argument is an enumerated type (WriterType), which can have one of the following values:
- A mode that's for method developers. Writes out all of the possible haplotypes considered, as well as reads aligned to each
- A mode for users. Writes out the reads aligned only to the called haplotypes. Useful to understand why the caller is calling what it is
- With this option, haplotypes will not be included in the output bam.
Base qualities below this threshold will be reduced to the minimum (6)
Bases with a quality below this threshold will reduced to the minimum usable qualiy score (6).
byte 18 [ [ -∞ ∞ ] ]
the binary tag covariate name if using it
The tag name for the binary tag covariate (if using it)
String null
BQSR BAQ gap open penalty (Phred Scaled). Default value is 40. 30 is perhaps better for whole genome call sets
double 40.0 [ [ -∞ ∞ ] ]
--bwa-mem-index-image / -image
The BWA-MEM index image file name that you've distributed to each executor
The BWA-MEM index image file name that you've distributed to each executor. The image file can be generated using
{@link BwaMemIndexImageCreator}. If this argument is not specified, the default behavior is to look for a
file whose name is the FASTA reference file with a .img suffix.
String null
--comparison / -comp
Comparison VCF file(s)
If a call overlaps with a record from the provided comp track, the INFO field will be annotated
as such in the output with the track name (e.g. -comp:FOO will have 'FOO' in the INFO field). Records that are
filtered in the comp track will be ignored. Note that 'dbSNP' has been special-cased (see the --dbsnp argument).
List[FeatureInput[VariantContext]] []
Spark properties to set on the Spark context in the format =
List[String] []
--contamination-fraction-per-sample-file / -contamination-file
Tab-separated File containing fraction of contamination in sequencing data (per sample) to aggressively remove. Format should be "" (Contamination is double) per line; No header.
This argument specifies a file with two columns "sample" and "contamination" specifying the contamination level for those samples.
Samples that do not appear in this file will be processed with CONTAMINATION_FRACTION.
File null
--contamination-fraction-to-filter / -contamination
Fraction of contamination in sequencing data (for all samples) to aggressively remove
If this fraction is greater is than zero, the caller will aggressively attempt to remove contamination through biased down-sampling of reads.
Basically, it will ignore the contamination fraction of reads for each alternate allele. So if the pileup contains N total bases, then we
will try to remove (N * contamination fraction) bases for each alternate allele.
double 0.0 [ [ -∞ ∞ ] ]
--create-output-bam-index / -OBI
If true, create a BAM index when writing a coordinate-sorted BAM file.
boolean true
If true, create a BAM splitting index (SBI) when writing a coordinate-sorted BAM file.
boolean true
--create-output-variant-index / -OVI
If true, create a VCF index when writing a coordinate-sorted VCF file.
boolean true
--dbsnp / -D
dbSNP file
A dbSNP VCF file.
FeatureInput[VariantContext] null
--debug-assembly / -debug
Print out verbose debug information about each assembly region
boolean false
Assign a default base quality
If reads are missing some or all base quality scores, this value will be used for all base quality scores.
By default this is set to -1 to disable default base quality assignment.
byte -1 [ [ -∞ ∞ ] ]
default quality for the base deletions covariate
A default base qualities to use as a prior (reported quality) in the mismatch covariate model. This value will replace all base qualities in the read for this default value. Negative value turns it off. [default is on]
byte 45 [ [ -∞ ∞ ] ]
If false this disables capping of base qualities in the HMM to the mapping quality of the read
boolean false
Don't skip calculations in ActiveRegions with no variants
If set, certain "early exit" optimizations in HaplotypeCaller, which aim to save compute and time by skipping
calculations if an ActiveRegion is determined to contain no variants, will be disabled. This is most likely to be useful if
you're using the -bamout argument to examine the placement of reads following reassembly and are interested in seeing the mapping of
reads in regions with no variations. Setting the --force-active flag may also be necessary.
boolean false
--disable-read-filter / -DF
Read filters to be disabled before analysis
List[String] []
--disable-sequence-dictionary-validation / -disable-sequence-dictionary-validation
If specified, do not check the sequence dictionaries from our inputs for compatibility. Use at your own risk!
boolean false
If enabled this argument will disable inclusion of the '*' spanning event when genotyping events that overlap deletions
boolean false
Toggle to revive legacy behavior of asymmetrically normalizing the arguments to the reference haplotype
boolean false
--disable-tool-default-annotations / -disable-tool-default-annotations
Disable all tool default annotations
Hook allowing for the user to remove default annotations from the tool
boolean false
--disable-tool-default-read-filters / -disable-tool-default-read-filters
Disable all tool default read filters (WARNING: many tools will not function correctly without their default read filters on)
boolean false
Disable overlapping base quality correction
Base quality is capped at half of PCR error rate for bases where read and mate overlap, to account for full correlation of PCR errors at these bases. This argument disables that correction.
boolean false
Enabling this option will mean unmapped mates of duplicate marked reads will not be marked as duplicates.
boolean false
Disable physical phasing
As of GATK 3.3, HaplotypeCaller outputs physical (read-based) information (see version 3.3 release notes and documentation for details). This argument disables that behavior.
boolean false
Disable iterating over kmer sizes when graph cycles are detected
When graph cycles are detected, the normal behavior is to increase kmer sizes iteratively until the cycles are
resolved. Disabling this behavior may cause the program to give up on assembling the ActiveRegion.
boolean false
disable DRAGstr pair-hmm score even when dragstr-params-path was provided
boolean false
Forfeit the use of the DRAGstr model to calculate genotype priors. This argument does not have any effect in the absence of DRAGstr model parameters (--dragstr-model-params)
boolean false
Do not analyze soft clipped bases in the reads
boolean false
DRAGEN-GATK mode changes a long list of arguments to support running DRAGEN-GATK with FRD + BQD + STRE (with or without
a provided STRE table provided):
Boolean false
het to hom prior ratio use with DRAGstr on
int 2 [ [ -∞ ∞ ] ]
location of the DRAGstr model parameters for STR error correction used in the Pair HMM. When provided, it overrides other PCR error correcting mechanisms
GATKPath null
--duplicate-scoring-strategy / -DS
The scoring strategy for choosing the non-duplicate among candidates.
The --duplicate-scoring-strategy argument is an enumerated type (MarkDuplicatesScoringStrategy), which can have one of the following values:
MarkDuplicatesScoringStrategy SUM_OF_BASE_QUALITIES
Determines how duplicate types are recorded in the DT optional attribute.
Exclusion: This argument cannot be used at the same time as remove-all-duplicates, remove-sequencing-duplicates
The --duplicate-tagging-policy argument is an enumerated type (DuplicateTaggingPolicy), which can have one of the following values:
- DontTag
- OpticalOnly
- All
DuplicateTaggingPolicy DontTag
Emit original base qualities under the OQ tag
The tool is capable of writing out the original quality scores of each read in the recalibrated output file
under the "OQ" tag. By default, this behavior is disabled because emitting original qualities results in a
significant increase of the file size. Use this flag to turn on emission of original qualities.
boolean false
--emit-ref-confidence / -ERC
Mode for emitting reference confidence scores (For Mutect2, this is a BETA feature)
The reference confidence mode makes it possible to emit a per-bp or summarized confidence estimate for a site being strictly homozygous-reference.
See for information about GVCFs.
For Mutect2, this is a BETA feature that functions similarly to the HaplotypeCaller reference confidence/GVCF mode.
The --emit-ref-confidence argument is an enumerated type (ReferenceConfidenceMode), which can have one of the following values:
- Regular calling without emitting reference confidence calls.
- Reference model emitted site by site.
- Reference model emitted with condensed non-variant blocks, i.e. the GVCF format.
ReferenceConfidenceMode NONE
Use all possible annotations (not for the faint of heart)
You can use the -AX argument in combination with this one to exclude specific annotations. Note that some
annotations may not be actually applied if they are not applicable to the data provided or if they are
unavailable to the tool (e.g. there are several annotations that are currently not hooked up to
HaplotypeCaller). At present no error or warning message will be provided, the annotation will simply be
skipped silently. You can check the output VCF header to see which annotations were activated and thus might be applied (although
this does not guarantee that the annotation was applied to all records in the VCF, since some annotations have
additional requirements, e.g. minimum number of samples or heterozygous sites only -- see the documentation
for individual annotations' requirements).
boolean false
Will enable less strict read disqualification low base quality reads
If enabled, rather than disqualifying all reads over a threshold of minimum hmm scores we will instead choose a less strict
and less aggressive cap for disqualification based on the read length and base qualities.
boolean false
--exclude-intervals / -XL
One or more genomic intervals to exclude from processing
Use this argument to exclude certain parts of the genome from the analysis (like -L, but the opposite).
This argument can be specified multiple times. You can use samtools-style intervals either explicitly on the
command line (e.g. -XL 1 or -XL 1:100-200) or by loading in a file containing a list of intervals
(e.g. -XL myFile.intervals).
List[String] []
Error rate used to set expectation for post HMM read disqualification based on mismatches
double 0.02 [ [ -∞ ∞ ] ]
Output the band lower bound for each GQ block regardless of the data it represents
Output the band lower bound for each GQ block instead of the min GQ -- for better compression
boolean false
If provided, all regions will be marked as active
boolean false
--force-call-filtered-alleles / -genotype-filtered-alleles
Force-call filtered alleles included in the resource specified by --alleles
boolean false
--founder-id / -founder-id
Samples representing the population "founders"
List[String] []
A configuration file to use with the GATK.
String null
--gcs-max-retries / -gcs-retries
If the GCS bucket channel errors out, how many times it will attempt to re-initiate the connection
int 20 [ [ -∞ ∞ ] ]
Project to bill when accessing "requester pays" buckets. If unset, these buckets cannot be accessed. User must have storage.buckets.get permission on the bucket being accessed.
String ""
--genotype-assignment-method / -gam
How we assign genotypes
The --genotype-assignment-method argument is an enumerated type (GenotypeAssignmentMethod), which can have one of the following values:
- set all of the genotype GT values to NO_CALL
- Use the subsetted PLs to greedily assigned genotypes
- set all of the genotype GT values to NO_CALL and remove annotations
- Try to match the original GT calls, if at all possible Suppose I have 3 alleles: A/B/C and the following samples: original_GT best_match to A/B best_match to A/C S1 => A/A A/A A/A S2 => A/B A/B A/A S3 => B/B B/B A/A S4 => B/C A/B A/C S5 => C/C A/A C/C Basically, all alleles not in the subset map to ref. It means that het-alt genotypes when split into 2 bi-allelic variants will be het in each, which is good in some cases, rather than the undetermined behavior when using the PLs to assign, which could result in hom-var or hom-ref for each, depending on the exact PL values.
- do not even bother changing the GTs
- Use posterior probabilities:
GenotypeAssignmentMethod USE_PLS_TO_ASSIGN
Global Qscore Bayesian prior to use for BQSR
If specified, the value of this argument will be used as a flat prior for all mismatching quality scores instead
of the reported quality score (assigned by the sequencer).
double -1.0 [ [ -∞ ∞ ] ]
--graph-output / -graph
Write debug assembly graph information to this file
This argument is meant for debugging and is not immediately useful for normal analysis use.
String null
--gvcf-gq-bands / -GQB
Exclusive upper bounds for reference confidence GQ bands (must be in [1, 100] and specified in increasing order)
When HC is run in reference confidence mode with banding compression enabled (-ERC GVCF), homozygous-reference
sites are compressed into bands of similar genotype quality (GQ) that are emitted as a single VCF record. See
the FAQ documentation for more details about the GVCF format.
This argument allows you to set the GQ bands. HC expects a list of strictly increasing GQ values
that will act as exclusive upper bounds for the GQ bands. To pass multiple values,
you provide them one by one with the argument, as in `-GQB 10 -GQB 20 -GQB 30` and so on
(this would set the GQ bands to be `[0, 10), [10, 20), [20, 30)` and so on, for example).
Note that GQ values are capped at 99 in the GATK, so values must be integers in [1, 100].
If the last value is strictly less than 100, the last GQ band will start at that value (inclusive)
and end at 100 (exclusive).
List[Integer] [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 70, 80, 90, 99]
--help / -h
display the help message
boolean false
Heterozygosity value used to compute prior likelihoods for any locus. See the GATKDocs for full details on the meaning of this population genetics concept
The expected heterozygosity value used to compute prior probability that a locus is non-reference.
The default priors are for provided for humans:
het = 1e-3
which means that the probability of N samples being hom-ref at a site is:
1 - sum_i_2N (het / i)
Note that heterozygosity as used here is the population genetics concept:
That is, a hets value of 0.01 implies that two randomly chosen chromosomes from the population of organisms
would differ from each other (one being A and the other B) at a rate of 1 in 100 bp.
Note that this quantity has nothing to do with the likelihood of any given sample having a heterozygous genotype,
which in the GATK is purely determined by the probability of the observed data P(D | AB) under the model that there
may be a AB het genotype. The posterior probability of this AB genotype would use the het prior, but the GATK
only uses this posterior probability in determining the prob. that a site is polymorphic. So changing the
het parameters only increases the chance that a site will be called non-reference across all samples, but
doesn't actually change the output genotype likelihoods at all, as these aren't posterior probabilities at all.
The quantity that changes whether the GATK considers the possibility of a het genotype at all is the ploidy,
which determines how many chromosomes each individual in the species carries.
Double 0.001 [ [ -∞ ∞ ] ]
Standard deviation of heterozygosity for SNP and indel calling.
The standard deviation of the distribution of alt allele fractions. The above heterozygosity parameters give the
*mean* of this distribution; this parameter gives its spread.
double 0.01 [ [ -∞ ∞ ] ]
Heterozygosity for indel calling. See the GATKDocs for heterozygosity for full details on the meaning of this population genetics concept
This argument informs the prior probability of having an indel at a site.
double 1.25E-4 [ [ -∞ ∞ ] ]
The size of an indel to check for in the reference model
This parameter determines the maximum size of an indel considered as potentially segregating in the
reference model. It is used to eliminate reads from being indel informative at a site, and determines
by that mechanism the certainty in the reference base. Conceptually, setting this parameter to
X means that each informative read is consistent with any indel of size < X being present at a specific
position in the genome, given its alignment to the reference.
int 10 [ [ -∞ ∞ ] ]
--indels-context-size / -ics
Size of the k-mer context to be used for base insertions and deletions
The context covariate will use a context of this size to calculate its covariate value for base insertions and deletions. Must be between 1 and 13 (inclusive). Note that higher values will increase runtime and required java heap size.
int 3 [ [ -∞ ∞ ] ]
--input / -I
BAM/SAM/CRAM file containing reads
R List[GATKPath] []
default quality for the base insertions covariate
A default base qualities to use as a prior (reported quality) in the insertion covariate model. This parameter is used for all reads without insertion quality scores for each base. [default is on]
byte 45 [ [ -∞ ∞ ] ]
--interval-exclusion-padding / -ixp
Amount of padding (in bp) to add to each interval you are excluding.
Use this to add padding to the intervals specified using -XL. For example, '-XL 1:100' with a
padding value of 20 would turn into '-XL 1:80-120'. This is typically used to add padding around targets when
analyzing exomes.
int 0 [ [ -∞ ∞ ] ]
--interval-merging-rule / -imr
Interval merging rule for abutting intervals
By default, the program merges abutting intervals (i.e. intervals that are directly side-by-side but do not
actually overlap) into a single continuous interval. However you can change this behavior if you want them to be
treated as separate intervals instead.
The --interval-merging-rule argument is an enumerated type (IntervalMergingRule), which can have one of the following values:
IntervalMergingRule ALL
--interval-padding / -ip
Amount of padding (in bp) to add to each interval you are including.
Use this to add padding to the intervals specified using -L. For example, '-L 1:100' with a
padding value of 20 would turn into '-L 1:80-120'. This is typically used to add padding around targets when
analyzing exomes.
int 0 [ [ -∞ ∞ ] ]
--interval-set-rule / -isr
Set merging approach to use for combining interval inputs
By default, the program will take the UNION of all intervals specified using -L and/or -XL. However, you can
change this setting for -L, for example if you want to take the INTERSECTION of the sets instead. E.g. to
perform the analysis only on chromosome 1 exomes, you could specify -L exomes.intervals -L 1 --interval-set-rule
INTERSECTION. However, it is not possible to modify the merging approach for intervals passed using -XL (they will
always be merged using UNION).
Note that if you specify both -L and -XL, the -XL interval set will be subtracted from the -L interval set.
The --interval-set-rule argument is an enumerated type (IntervalSetRule), which can have one of the following values:
- Take the union of all intervals
- Take the intersection of intervals (the subset that overlaps all intervals specified)
IntervalSetRule UNION
--intervals / -L
One or more genomic intervals over which to operate
List[String] []
Kmer size to use in the read threading assembler
Multiple kmer sizes can be specified, using e.g. `--kmer-size 10 --kmer-size 25`.
List[Integer] [10, 25]
the known variants
R List[String] []
If enabled, the Assembly Engine will construct a Linked De Bruijn graph to recover better haplotypes
Disables graph simplification into a seq graph, opts to construct a proper De Bruijn graph with potential loops
NOTE: --linked-de-bruijn-graph is currently an experimental feature that does not directly match with
the regular HaplotypeCaller. Specifically the haplotype finding code does not perform correctly at complicated
sites. Use this mode at your own risk.
boolean false
minimum quality for the bases in the tail of the reads to be considered
Reads with low quality bases on either tail (beginning or end) will not be considered in the context. This parameter defines the quality below which (inclusive) a tail is considered low quality
byte 2 [ [ -∞ ∞ ] ]
Control the threshold for discounting reads from the genotyper due to mapping quality after the active region detection and assembly steps but before genotyping. NOTE: this is in contrast to the --minimum-mapping-quality argument which filters reads from all parts of the HaplotypeCaller. If you would like to call genotypes with a different threshold both arguments must be set.
int 20 [ [ -∞ ∞ ] ]
Maximum number of alternate alleles to genotype
If there are more than this number of alternate alleles presented to the genotyper (either through discovery or GENOTYPE_GIVEN ALLELES),
then only this many alleles will be used. Note that genotyping sites with many alternate alleles is both CPU and memory intensive and it
scales exponentially based on the number of alternate alleles. Unless there is a good reason to change the default value, we highly recommend
that you not play around with this parameter.
See also {@link #MAX_GENOTYPE_COUNT}.
int 6 [ [ -∞ ∞ ] ]
Maximum size of an assembly region
int 300 [ [ -∞ ∞ ] ]
Set the maximum depth to modify FRD adjustment to in the event of high depth sites (0 to disable)
int 0 [ [ -∞ ∞ ] ]
Maximum number of genotypes to consider at any site
If there are more than this number of genotypes at a locus presented to the genotyper, then only this many genotypes will be used.
The possible genotypes are simply different ways of partitioning alleles given a specific ploidy asumption.
Therefore, we remove genotypes from consideration by removing alternate alleles that are the least well supported.
The estimate of allele support is based on the ranking of the candidate haplotypes coming out of the graph building step.
Note that the reference allele is always kept.
Note that genotyping sites with large genotype counts is both CPU and memory intensive.
Unless there is a good reason to change the default value, we highly recommend that you not play around with this parameter.
The maximum number of alternative alleles used in the genotyping step will be the lesser of the two:
1. the largest number of alt alleles, given ploidy, that yields a genotype count no higher than {@link #MAX_GENOTYPE_COUNT}
2. the value of {@link #MAX_ALTERNATE_ALLELES}
See also {@link #MAX_ALTERNATE_ALLELES}.
int 1024 [ [ -∞ ∞ ] ]
--max-mnp-distance / -mnp-dist
Two or more phased substitutions separated by this distance or less are merged into MNPs.
Two or more phased substitutions separated by this distance or less are merged into MNPs.
int 0 [ [ -∞ ∞ ] ]
Maximum number of haplotypes to consider for your population
The assembly graph can be quite complex, and could imply a very large number of possible haplotypes. Each haplotype
considered requires N PairHMM evaluations if there are N reads across all samples. In order to control the
run of the haplotype caller we only take maxNumHaplotypesInPopulation paths from the graph, in order of their
weights, no matter how many paths are possible to generate from the graph. Putting this number too low
will result in dropping true variation because paths that include the real variant are not even considered.
You can consider increasing this number when calling organisms with high heterozygosity.
int 128 [ [ -∞ ∞ ] ]
Upper limit on how many bases away probability mass can be moved around when calculating the boundaries between active and inactive assembly regions
int 50 [ [ -∞ ∞ ] ]
Maximum number of reads to retain per alignment start position. Reads above this threshold will be downsampled. Set to 0 to disable.
Other parameters
int 50 [ [ -∞ ∞ ] ]
Maximum number of variants in graph the adaptive pruner will allow
The maximum number of variants in graph the adaptive pruner will allow
int 100 [ [ -∞ ∞ ] ]
--maximum-cycle-value / -max-cycle
The maximum cycle value permitted for the Cycle covariate
The cycle covariate will generate an error if it encounters a cycle greater than this value.
This argument is ignored if the Cycle covariate is not used.
int 500 [ [ -∞ ∞ ] ]
Minimum size of an assembly region
Parameters that control active regions
int 50 [ [ -∞ ∞ ] ]
--min-base-quality-score / -mbq
Minimum base quality required to consider a base for calling
Bases with a quality below this threshold will not be used for calling.
byte 10 [ [ -∞ ∞ ] ]
Minimum length of a dangling branch to attempt recovery
When constructing the assembly graph we are often left with "dangling" branches. The assembly engine attempts to rescue these branches
by merging them back into the main graph. This argument describes the minimum length of a dangling branch needed for the engine to
try to rescue it. A smaller number here will lead to higher sensitivity to real variation but also to a higher number of false positives.
int 4 [ [ -∞ ∞ ] ]
Minimum support to not prune paths in the graph
Paths with fewer supporting kmers than the specified threshold will be pruned from the graph.
Be aware that this argument can dramatically affect the results of variant calling and should only be used with great caution.
Using a prune factor of 1 (or below) will prevent any pruning from the graph, which is generally not ideal; it can make the
calling much slower and even less accurate (because it can prevent effective merging of "tails" in the graph). Higher values
tend to make the calling much faster, but also lowers the sensitivity of the results (because it ultimately requires higher
depth to produce calls).
int 2 [ [ -∞ ∞ ] ]
--mismatches-context-size / -mcs
Size of the k-mer context to be used for base mismatches
The context covariate will use a context of this size to calculate its covariate value for base mismatches. Must be between 1 and 13 (inclusive). Note that higher values will increase runtime and required java heap size.
int 2 [ [ -∞ ∞ ] ]
default quality for the base mismatches covariate
A default base qualities to use as a prior (reported quality) in the mismatch covariate model. This value will replace all base qualities in the read for this default value. Negative value turns it off. [default is off]
byte -1 [ [ -∞ ∞ ] ]
How many threads should a native pairHMM implementation use
int 4 [ [ -∞ ∞ ] ]
use double precision in the native pairHmm. This is slower but matches the java implementation better
boolean false
Number of samples that must pass the minPruning threshold
If fewer samples than the specified number pass the minPruning threshold for a given path, that path will be eliminated from the graph.
int 1 [ [ -∞ ∞ ] ]
For tools that shuffle data or write an output, sets the number of reducers. Defaults to 0, which gives one partition per 10MB of input.
int 0 [ [ -∞ ∞ ] ]
Number of hom-ref genotypes to infer at sites not present in a panel
When a variant is not seen in any panel, this argument controls whether to infer (and with what effective strength)
that only reference alleles were observed at that site. E.g. "If not seen in 1000Genomes, treat it as AC=0,
int 0 [ [ -∞ ∞ ] ]
--output / -O
the output vcf
R String null
the output bam
String null
Specifies which type of calls we should output
The --output-mode argument is an enumerated type (OutputMode), which can have one of the following values:
- produces calls only at variant sites
- produces calls at variant sites and confident reference sites
- Produces calls at any region over the activity threshold regardless of confidence. On occasion, this will output HOM_REF records where no call could be confidently made. This does not necessarily output calls for all sites in a region. This argument is intended only for point mutations (SNPs); it will not produce a comprehensive set of indels.
when writing a bam, in single sharded mode this directory to write the temporary intermediate output shards, if not specified .parts/ will be used
Exclusion: This argument cannot be used at the same time as sharded-output
String null
Flat gap continuation penalty for use in the Pair HMM
int 10 [ [ -∞ ∞ ] ]
--pair-hmm-implementation / -pairHMM
The PairHMM implementation to use for genotype likelihood calculations
The PairHMM implementation to use for genotype likelihood calculations. The various implementations balance a tradeoff of accuracy and runtime.
The --pair-hmm-implementation argument is an enumerated type (Implementation), which can have one of the following values:
The PCR indel model to use
When calculating the likelihood of variants, we can try to correct for PCR errors that cause indel artifacts.
The correction is based on the reference context, and acts specifically around repetitive sequences that tend
to cause PCR errors). The variant likelihoods are penalized in increasing scale as the context around a
putative indel is more repetitive (e.g. long homopolymer). The correction can be disabling by specifying
'-pcrModel NONE'; in that case the default base insertion/deletion qualities will be used (or taken from the
read if generated through the BaseRecalibrator). VERY IMPORTANT: when using PCR-free sequencing data we
definitely recommend setting this argument to NONE.
The --pcr-indel-model argument is an enumerated type (PCRErrorModel), which can have one of the following values:
- no specialized PCR error model will be applied; if base insertion/deletion qualities are present they will be used
- a most aggressive model will be applied that sacrifices true positives in order to remove more false positives
- a more aggressive model will be applied that sacrifices true positives in order to remove more false positives
- a less aggressive model will be applied that tries to maintain a high true positive rate at the expense of allowing more false positives
--pedigree / -ped
Pedigree file for determining the population "founders"
GATKPath null
The global assumed mismapping rate for reads
The phredScaledGlobalReadMismappingRate reflects the average global mismapping rate of all reads, regardless of their
mapping quality. This term effects the probability that a read originated from the reference haplotype, regardless of
its edit distance from the reference, in that the read could have originated from the reference haplotype but
from another location in the genome. Suppose a read has many mismatches from the reference, say like 5, but
has a very high mapping quality of 60. Without this parameter, the read would contribute 5 * Q30 evidence
in favor of its 5 mismatch haplotype compared to reference, potentially enough to make a call off that single
read for all of these events. With this parameter set to Q30, though, the maximum evidence against any haplotype
that this (and any) read could contribute is Q30.
Set this term to any negative number to turn off the global mapping rate.
int 45 [ [ -∞ ∞ ] ]
--population-callset / -population
Callset to use in calculating genotype priors
Supporting external panel. Allele counts from this panel (taken from AC,AN or MLEAC,AN or raw genotypes) will
be used to inform the frequency distribution underlying the genotype priors. These files must be VCF 4.2 spec or later.
Note that unlike CalculateGenotypePosteriors, HaplotypeCaller only allows one supporting callset.
FeatureInput[VariantContext] null
Don't recalibrate bases with quality scores less than this threshold (with -bqsr)
This flag tells GATK not to modify quality scores less than this value. Instead they will be written out unmodified in the recalibrated BAM file.
In general it's unsafe to change qualities scores below < 6, since base callers use these values to indicate random or bad bases.
For example, Illumina writes Q2 bases when the machine has really gone wrong. This would be fine in and of itself,
but when you select a subset of these reads based on their ability to align to the reference and their dinucleotide effect,
your Q2 bin can be elevated to Q8 or Q10, leading to issues downstream.
int 6 [ [ -∞ ∞ ] ]
Name of the program running
String null
Ln likelihood ratio threshold for adaptive pruning algorithm
Log-10 likelihood ratio threshold for adaptive pruning algorithm.
double 2.302585092994046 [ [ -∞ ∞ ] ]
Ln likelihood ratio threshold for seeding subgraph of good variation in adaptive pruning algorithm
Log-10 likelihood ratio threshold for adaptive pruning algorithm.
double 9.210340371976184 [ [ -∞ ∞ ] ]
Quantize quality scores to a given number of levels
Turns on the base quantization module. It requires a recalibration report.
A value of 0 here means "do not quantize".
Any value greater than zero will be used to recalculate the quantization using that many levels.
Negative values mean that we should quantize using the recalibration report's quantization level.
Exclusion: This argument cannot be used at the same time as static-quantized-quals, round-down-quantized
int 0 [ [ -∞ ∞ ] ]
number of distinct quality scores in the quantized output
BQSR generates a quantization table for quick quantization later by subsequent tools. BQSR does not quantize the base qualities, this is done by the engine with the -qq or -bqsr options.
This parameter tells BQSR the number of levels of quantization to use to build the quantization table.
int 16 [ [ -∞ ∞ ] ]
Whether to suppress job-summary info on System.err.
Boolean false
--read-filter / -RF
Read filters to be applied before analysis
List[String] []
--read-index / -read-index
Indices to use for the read inputs. If specified, an index must be provided for every read input and in the same order as the read inputs. If this argument is not specified, the path to the index for each input will be inferred automatically.
List[GATKPath] []
--read-shard-padding / -read-shard-padding
Each read shard has this many bases of extra context on each side. Read shards must have as much or more padding than assembly regions.
int 100 [ [ -∞ ∞ ] ]
--read-shard-size / -read-shard-size
Maximum size of each read shard, in bases. For good performance, this should be much larger than the maximum assembly region size.
int 5000 [ [ -∞ ∞ ] ]
--read-validation-stringency / -VS
Validation stringency for all SAM/BAM/CRAM/SRA files read by this program. The default stringency value SILENT can improve performance when processing a BAM file in which variable-length data (read, qualities, tags) do not otherwise need to be decoded.
The --read-validation-stringency argument is an enumerated type (ValidationStringency), which can have one of the following values:
ValidationStringency SILENT
Recover all dangling branches
By default, the read threading assembler does not recover dangling branches that fork after splitting from the reference. This argument
tells the assembly engine to recover all dangling branches.
boolean false
This argument is deprecated since version 3.3
As of version 3.3, this argument is no longer needed because dangling end recovery is now the default behavior. See GATK 3.3 release notes for more details.
boolean false
--reference / -R
Reference sequence file
R GATKPath null
If true do not write duplicates to the output file instead of writing them with appropriate flags set.
Exclusion: This argument cannot be used at the same time as duplicate-tagging-policy, remove-sequencing-duplicates
boolean false
If true do not write optical/sequencing duplicates to the output file instead of writing them with appropriate flags set.
Exclusion: This argument cannot be used at the same time as duplicate-tagging-policy, remove-all-duplicates
boolean false
Round quals down to nearest quantized qual
Round down quantized only works with the static_quantized_quals option, and should not be used with
the dynamic binning option provided by quantize_quals. When roundDown = false, rounding is done in
probability space to the nearest bin. When roundDown = true, the value is rounded to the nearest bin
that is smaller than the current bin.
Exclusion: This argument cannot be used at the same time as quantize-quals
boolean false
--sample-name / -ALIAS
Name of single sample to use from a multi-sample bam
You can use this argument to specify that HC should process a single sample out of a multisample BAM file. This
is especially useful if your samples are all in the same file but you need to run them individually through HC
in -ERC GVC mode (which is the recommended usage). Note that the name is case-sensitive.
String null
--sample-ploidy / -ploidy
Ploidy (number of chromosomes) per sample. For pooled data, set to (Number of samples in each pool * Sample Ploidy).
Sample ploidy - equivalent to number of chromosomes per pool. In pooled experiments this should be = # of samples in pool * individual sample ploidy
int 2 [ [ -∞ ∞ ] ]
For tools that write an output, write the output in multiple pieces (shards)
Exclusion: This argument cannot be used at the same time as output-shard-tmp-dir
boolean false
--showHidden / -showHidden
display hidden arguments
boolean false
--single-end-alignment / -se
Run single-end instead of paired-end alignment
Run single-end instead of paired-end alignment.
boolean false
Which Smith-Waterman implementation to use, generally FASTEST_AVAILABLE is the right choice
The --smith-waterman argument is an enumerated type (Implementation), which can have one of the following values:
- use the fastest available Smith-Waterman aligner that runs on your hardware
- use the AVX enabled Smith-Waterman aligner
- use the pure java implementation of Smith-Waterman, works on all hardware
Implementation JAVA
If enabled will preserve low-quality read ends as softclips (used for DRAGEN-GATK BQD genotyper model)
boolean false
URL of the Spark Master to submit jobs to when using the Spark pipeline runner.
String local[*]
Spark verbosity. Overrides --verbosity for Spark-generated logs only. Possible values: {ALL, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, FATAL, OFF, TRACE}
String null
Granularity to use when writing a splitting index, one entry will be put into the index every n reads where n is this granularity value. Smaller granularity results in a larger index with more available split points.
long 4096 [ [ 1 ∞ ] ]
--standard-min-confidence-threshold-for-calling / -stand-call-conf
The minimum phred-scaled confidence threshold at which variants should be called
The minimum phred-scaled confidence threshold at which variants should be called. Only variant sites with QUAL equal
or greater than this threshold will be called. Note that since version 3.7, we no longer differentiate high confidence
from low confidence calls at the calling step. The default call confidence threshold is set low intentionally to achieve
high sensitivity, which will allow false positive calls as a side effect. Be sure to perform some kind of filtering after
calling to reduce the amount of false positives in your final callset. Note that when HaplotypeCaller is used in GVCF mode
(using either -ERC GVCF or -ERC BP_RESOLUTION) the call threshold is automatically set to zero. Call confidence thresholding
will then be performed in the subsequent GenotypeGVCFs command.
Note that the default was changed from 10.0 to 30.0 in version to accompany the switch to use the the new quality score by default.
double 30.0 [ [ -∞ ∞ ] ]
Use static quantized quality scores to a given number of levels (with -bqsr)
Static quantized quals are entirely separate from the quantize_qual option which uses dynamic binning.
The two types of binning should not be used together.
Exclusion: This argument cannot be used at the same time as quantize-quals
List[Integer] []
whether to use the strict implementation or not (defaults to the faster implementation that doesn't strictly match the walker version)
boolean false
Temp directory to use.
GATKPath null
If enabled this argument will map DRAGEN aligner aligned reads with mapping quality <=250 to scale up to MQ 50
boolean false
Use the contamination-filtered read maps for the purposes of annotating variants
boolean false
--use-jdk-deflater / -jdk-deflater
Whether to use the JdkDeflater (as opposed to IntelDeflater)
boolean false
--use-jdk-inflater / -jdk-inflater
Whether to use the JdkInflater (as opposed to IntelInflater)
boolean false
--use-new-qual-calculator / -new-qual
Use the new AF model instead of the so-called exact model
As of version, this argument is no longer needed because the new qual score is now on by default. See GATK 3.3 release notes for more details.
boolean true
Whether to use NIO or the Hadoop filesystem (default) for reading files. (Note that the Hadoop filesystem is always used for writing files.)
boolean false
--use-original-qualities / -OQ
Use the base quality scores from the OQ tag
This flag tells GATK to use the original base qualities (that were in the data before BQSR/recalibration) which
are stored in the OQ tag, if they are present, rather than use the post-recalibration quality scores. If no OQ
tag is present for a read, the standard qual score will be used.
Boolean false
--use-posteriors-to-calculate-qual / -gp-qual
if available, use the genotype posterior probabilities to calculate the site QUAL
boolean false
--verbosity / -verbosity
Control verbosity of logging.
The --verbosity argument is an enumerated type (LogLevel), which can have one of the following values:
LogLevel INFO
display the version number for this tool
boolean false
GATK version built at Mon, 2 Aug 2021 14:22:45 -0700.
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