Genome Analysis Toolkit

Variant Discovery in High-Throughput Sequencing Data

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Developed in the Data Sciences Platform at the Broad Institute, the toolkit offers a wide variety of tools with a primary focus on variant discovery and genotyping. Its powerful processing engine and high-performance computing features make it capable of taking on projects of any size. Learn more

Mitochondrial short variant discovery (SNVs + Indels) Follow


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    Troy LoBue

    Is this pipeline for germline mutation calling or only somatic? What is the best way to call variants in the mitochondrial genome with whole genome data? Thank you in advance.


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    Yao Yao

    Hi GATK team, Thanks for generating this pipeline. I am wondering is this pipeline suitable for WES data which included the mitochondrial reads coverage(probe)? 



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    Is this pipeline specific to human, or can it be used for other species such as mus musculus?


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    Solenne Correard

    Hi team!

    Thanks for this. I am using gatk4-4.2.0 and it seems like two flags are no longer supported :

    --median-autosomal-coverage (CallMt step using Mutect2)

    A USER ERROR has occurred: median-autosomal-coverage is not a recognized option

    --autosomal-coverage (Filter the variant by parameter step using FilterMutectCalls)

    A USER ERROR has occurred: autosomal-coverage is not a recognized option

    They are not mentioned in the updates with the newer releases of GATK4. Will they be included in future release or should the best practices be updated? Thanks a lot for everything!


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    yijing wang

    Hi, How can this process obtain gvcf files? Thanks!

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    Hello - what is the recommended heteroplasmic variant cutoff for this pipeline version? In a 2022 benchmarking paper (PMID: 35350246) Haplotypecaller v4.2 had poor sensitivity for low frequency variants ( < ~15%). The authors cited Mutect2 in the methods as a recent GATK implementation but the study does not incorporate the algorithm. Do you have any data that compares this Mutect2-based pipeline to Haplotypecaller v4.2 or other callers (e.g., Mutserve)? Thank you.  

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    Arman Seuylemezian

    Is it possible to run the mito pipeline in tumor/matched normal mode ? I imagine the way to do it would be to create a panel of normals using the tumor only mode option and then proceed with the rest of the GATK pipe. 

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