Genome Analysis Toolkit

Variant Discovery in High-Throughput Sequencing Data

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Developed in the Data Sciences Platform at the Broad Institute, the toolkit offers a wide variety of tools with a primary focus on variant discovery and genotyping. Its powerful processing engine and high-performance computing features make it capable of taking on projects of any size. Learn more

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    Edyta Malolepsza

    Could you please provide working link to the detailed information and a tutorial? Thank you.

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    khushi ahuja


    I am currently working on estimating tumour mutational burden using the RNA-Mutect-WMN pipeline. The process requires an output from RNA-Mutect, which in turn needs the output of Mutect2.

    I have proceeded with the following steps:

    1. Acquired tumour RNA-seq fastq files.
    2. Executed Mutect2 in tumour-only mode to generate a VCF file.
    3. Performed filtering on the VCF and subsequently annotated it using Funcotator (a successor to Oncotator), resulting in MAF files
    4. Used the aforementioned MAF file for RNA-Mutect

    The initial steps with RNA-Mutect run smoothly, but I encounter issues during the filtering step where MATLAB files come into play. I receive errors related to mismatched column names, and the row numbers do not align as expected. I attempted using other annotators such as VEP and Annovar, but they do not yield the required columns for compatibility.

    One possible reason could be I am using funcotator instead of oncotator. Is there a way possible I can still get the access to hg19 database datasource folder for oncotator.

    Thank you!

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    Jonn Smith

    Hi khushi ahuja,

        Oncotator is no longer supported.  There is an hg19 data sources release somewhere for it, but I no longer know where it is hosted.  Funcotator uses an older MAF spec, which matches what Oncotator produced, but with better added information. 

    Please post this as an issue in our github page if you think there is an issue with Funcotator itself.  When you post it, please include the version of GATK you are running for Funcotator, the data sources version you're using, and a detailed description of the error (an excerpt of the MAF file would be best so we can see the columns that claim to be mis-matched).



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    khushi ahuja


    Thank you so much for your reply. 
    Below are the columns that I am getting in the maf file when I am using funcotator 

    and in the RNA-Mutect github page they have provided with the example maf from oncotator I assume because they have specified to use oncotator for annotation purpose

    I can clearly see the difference in the column names being generated in the maf file.
    Do you have any suggestions for this.

    Thank you so much 


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    Jonn Smith

    Please make a new issue in the GATK github with this information.


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