Determines the baseline contig ploidy for germline samples given counts data
Category Copy Number Variant Discovery
Determines the integer ploidy state of all contigs for germline samples given counts data. These should be either HDF5 or TSV count files generated by CollectReadCounts.Introduction
Germline karyotyping is a frequently performed task in bioinformatics pipelines, e.g. for sex determination and aneuploidy identification. This tool uses counts data for germline karyotyping.
Performing germline karyotyping using counts data requires calibrating ("modeling") the technical coverage bias and variance for each contig. The Bayesian model and the associated inference scheme implemented in DetermineGermlineContigPloidy includes provisions for inferring and explaining away much of the technical variation. Furthermore, karyotyping confidence is automatically adjusted for individual samples and contigs.
Running DetermineGermlineContigPloidy is the first computational step in the GATK germline CNV calling pipeline. It provides a baseline ("default") copy-number state for each contig/sample with respect to which the probability of alternative states is allocated.
Python environment setup
The computation done by this tool, aside from input data parsing and validation, is performed outside of the Java Virtual Machine and using the gCNV computational python module, namely gcnvkernel. It is crucial that the user has properly set up a python conda environment with gcnvkernel and its dependencies installed. If the user intends to run DetermineGermlineContigPloidy using one of the official GATK Docker images, the python environment is already set up. Otherwise, the environment must be created and activated as described in the main GATK file.
Tool run modes
This tool has two operation modes as described below:
- COHORT mode:
- If a ploidy model parameter path is not provided via the model argument, the tool will run in
the COHORT mode. In this mode, ploidy model parameters (e.g. coverage bias and variance for each contig) are
inferred, along with baseline contig ploidy states of each sample. A TSV file specifying prior probabilities
for each integer ploidy state and for each contig is required in this mode and must be specified via the
contig-ploidy-priors argument. The following shows an example of such a table:
CONTIG_NAME PLOIDY_PRIOR_0 PLOIDY_PRIOR_1 PLOIDY_PRIOR_2 PLOIDY_PRIOR_3 1 0.01 0.01 0.97 0.01 2 0.01 0.01 0.97 0.01 X 0.01 0.49 0.49 0.01 Y 0.50 0.50 0.00 0.00 The tool output in the COHORT mode will contain two subdirectories, one ending with "-model" and the other ending with "-calls". The model subdirectory contains the inferred parameters of the ploidy model, which may be used later on for karyotyping one or more similarly-sequenced samples (see below). The calls subdirectory contains one subdirectory for each sample, listing various sample-specific quantities such as the global read-depth, average ploidy, per-contig baseline ploidies, and per-contig coverage variance estimates.
- CASE mode:
- If a path containing previously inferred ploidy model parameters is provided via the
model argument, then the tool will run in the CASE mode. In this mode, the parameters of the ploidy
model are loaded from the provided directory and only sample-specific quantities are inferred. Subsequently,
the output directory will only contain the "-calls" subdirectory.
In the CASE mode, the contig ploidy prior table is taken directly from the provided model parameters path and must be not provided again.
Important Remarks
- Choice of hyperparameters:
The quality of ploidy model parametrization and the sensitivity/precision of germline karyotyping are sensitive to the choice of model hyperparameters, including standard deviation of mean contig coverage bias (set using the mean-bias-standard-deviation argument), mapping error rate (set using the mapping-error-rate argument), and the typical scale of contig- and sample-specific unexplained variance (set using the global-psi-scale and sample-psi-scale arguments, respectively). It is crucial to note that these hyperparameters are not universal and must be tuned for each sequencing protocol and properly set at runtime.
- Mosaicism and fractional ploidies:
The model underlying this tool assumes integer ploidy states (in contrast to fractional/variable ploidy states). Therefore, it is to be used strictly on germline samples and for the purpose of sex determination, autosomal aneuploidy detection, or as a part of the GATK germline CNV calling pipeline. The presence of large somatic events and mosaicism (e.g., sex chromosome loss and somatic trisomy) will naturally lead to unreliable results. We strongly recommended inspecting genotyping qualities (GQ) from the tool output and considering to drop low-GQ contigs in downstream analyses. Finally, given the Bayesian status of this tool, we suggest including as many high-quality germline samples as possible for ploidy model parametrizaton in the COHORT mode. This will downplay the role of questionable samples and will yield a more reliable estimation of genuine sequencing biases.
- Coverage-based germline karyotyping:
Accurate germline karyotyping requires incorporating SNP allele-fraction data and counts data in a unified probabilistic model and is beyond the scope of the present tool. The current implementation only uses counts data for karyotyping and while being fast, it may not provide the most reliable results.
Usage examples
COHORT mode:
gatk DetermineGermlineContigPloidy \ --input normal_1.counts.hdf5 \ --input normal_2.counts.hdf5 \ ... \ --contig-ploidy-priors a_valid_ploidy_priors_table.tsv --output output_dir \ --output-prefix normal_cohort
CASE mode:
gatk DetermineGermlineContigPloidy \ --model a_valid_ploidy_model_dir --input normal_1.counts.hdf5 \ --input normal_2.counts.hdf5 \ ... \ --output output_dir \ --output-prefix normal_case
DetermineGermlineContigPloidy specific arguments
This table summarizes the command-line arguments that are specific to this tool. For more details on each argument, see the list further down below the table or click on an argument name to jump directly to that entry in the list.
Argument name(s) | Default value | Summary | |
Required Arguments | |||
--input -I |
[] | Input read-count files containing integer read counts in genomic intervals for all samples. Intervals must be identical and in the same order for all samples. If only a single sample is specified, an input ploidy-model directory must also be specified. | |
--output -O |
null | Output directory for sample contig-ploidy calls and the contig-ploidy model parameters for future use. | |
--output-prefix |
null | Prefix for output filenames. | |
Optional Tool Arguments | |||
--adamax-beta-1 |
0.9 | Adamax optimizer first moment estimation forgetting factor. | |
--adamax-beta-2 |
0.999 | Adamax optimizer second moment estimation forgetting factor. | |
--arguments_file |
[] | read one or more arguments files and add them to the command line | |
--caller-external-admixing-rate |
0.75 | Admixing ratio of new and old called posteriors (between 0 and 1; larger values implies using more of the new posterior and less of the old posterior) after convergence. | |
--caller-internal-admixing-rate |
0.75 | Admixing ratio of new and old called posteriors (between 0 and 1; larger values implies using more of the new posterior and less of the old posterior) for internal convergence loops. | |
--caller-update-convergence-threshold |
0.001 | Maximum tolerated calling update size for convergence. | |
--contig-ploidy-priors |
null | Input file specifying contig-ploidy priors. If only a single sample is specified, this input should not be provided. If multiple samples are specified, this input is required. | |
--convergence-snr-averaging-window |
5000 | Averaging window for calculating training signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) for convergence checking. | |
--convergence-snr-countdown-window |
10 | The number of ADVI iterations during which the SNR is required to stay below the set threshold for convergence. | |
--convergence-snr-trigger-threshold |
0.1 | The SNR threshold to be reached before triggering the convergence countdown. | |
--disable-annealing |
false | (advanced) Disable annealing. | |
--disable-caller |
false | (advanced) Disable caller. | |
--disable-sampler |
false | (advanced) Disable sampler. | |
--gcs-max-retries -gcs-retries |
20 | If the GCS bucket channel errors out, how many times it will attempt to re-initiate the connection | |
--gcs-project-for-requester-pays |
"" | Project to bill when accessing "requester pays" buckets. If unset, these buckets cannot be accessed. | |
--global-psi-scale |
0.001 | Prior scale of contig coverage unexplained variance. If a single sample is provided, this input will be ignored. | |
--help -h |
false | display the help message | |
--initial-temperature |
2.0 | Initial temperature (for DA-ADVI). | |
--learning-rate |
0.05 | Adamax optimizer learning rate. | |
--log-emission-samples-per-round |
2000 | Log emission samples drawn per round of sampling. | |
--log-emission-sampling-median-rel-error |
5.0E-4 | Maximum tolerated median relative error in log emission sampling. | |
--log-emission-sampling-rounds |
100 | Log emission maximum sampling rounds. | |
--mapping-error-rate |
0.01 | Typical mapping error rate. | |
--max-advi-iter-first-epoch |
1000 | Maximum ADVI iterations in the first epoch. | |
--max-advi-iter-subsequent-epochs |
1000 | Maximum ADVI iterations in subsequent epochs. | |
--max-calling-iters |
1 | Maximum number of internal self-consistency iterations within each calling step. | |
--max-training-epochs |
100 | Maximum number of training epochs. | |
--mean-bias-standard-deviation |
0.01 | Prior standard deviation of the contig-level mean coverage bias. If a single sample is provided, this input will be ignored. | |
--min-training-epochs |
20 | Minimum number of training epochs. | |
--model |
null | Input ploidy-model directory. If only a single sample is specified, this input is required. If multiple samples are specified, this input should not be provided. | |
--num-thermal-advi-iters |
5000 | Number of thermal ADVI iterations (for DA-ADVI). | |
--sample-psi-scale |
1.0E-4 | Prior scale of the sample-specific correction to the coverage unexplained variance. | |
--version |
false | display the version number for this tool | |
Optional Common Arguments | |||
--gatk-config-file |
null | A configuration file to use with the GATK. | |
false | Whether to suppress job-summary info on System.err. | |
--tmp-dir |
null | Temp directory to use. | |
--use-jdk-deflater -jdk-deflater |
false | Whether to use the JdkDeflater (as opposed to IntelDeflater) | |
--use-jdk-inflater -jdk-inflater |
false | Whether to use the JdkInflater (as opposed to IntelInflater) | |
--verbosity |
INFO | Control verbosity of logging. | |
Advanced Arguments | |||
--showHidden |
false | display hidden arguments |
Argument details
Arguments in this list are specific to this tool. Keep in mind that other arguments are available that are shared with other tools (e.g. command-line GATK arguments); see Inherited arguments above.
--adamax-beta-1 / NA
Adamax optimizer first moment estimation forgetting factor.
double 0.9 [ [ 0 1 ] ]
--adamax-beta-2 / NA
Adamax optimizer second moment estimation forgetting factor.
double 0.999 [ [ 0 1 ] ]
--arguments_file / NA
read one or more arguments files and add them to the command line
List[File] []
--caller-external-admixing-rate / NA
Admixing ratio of new and old called posteriors (between 0 and 1; larger values implies using more of the new posterior and less of the old posterior) after convergence.
double 0.75 [ [ 0 ∞ ] ]
--caller-internal-admixing-rate / NA
Admixing ratio of new and old called posteriors (between 0 and 1; larger values implies using more of the new posterior and less of the old posterior) for internal convergence loops.
double 0.75 [ [ 0 ∞ ] ]
--caller-update-convergence-threshold / NA
Maximum tolerated calling update size for convergence.
double 0.001 [ [ 0 ∞ ] ]
--contig-ploidy-priors / NA
Input file specifying contig-ploidy priors. If only a single sample is specified, this input should not be provided. If multiple samples are specified, this input is required.
File null
--convergence-snr-averaging-window / NA
Averaging window for calculating training signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) for convergence checking.
int 5000 [ [ 0 ∞ ] ]
--convergence-snr-countdown-window / NA
The number of ADVI iterations during which the SNR is required to stay below the set threshold for convergence.
int 10 [ [ 0 ∞ ] ]
--convergence-snr-trigger-threshold / NA
The SNR threshold to be reached before triggering the convergence countdown.
double 0.1 [ [ 0 ∞ ] ]
--disable-annealing / NA
(advanced) Disable annealing.
boolean false
--disable-caller / NA
(advanced) Disable caller.
boolean false
--disable-sampler / NA
(advanced) Disable sampler.
boolean false
--gatk-config-file / NA
A configuration file to use with the GATK.
String null
--gcs-max-retries / -gcs-retries
If the GCS bucket channel errors out, how many times it will attempt to re-initiate the connection
int 20 [ [ -∞ ∞ ] ]
--gcs-project-for-requester-pays / NA
Project to bill when accessing "requester pays" buckets. If unset, these buckets cannot be accessed.
String ""
--global-psi-scale / NA
Prior scale of contig coverage unexplained variance. If a single sample is provided, this input will be ignored.
double 0.001 [ [ 0 ∞ ] ]
--help / -h
display the help message
boolean false
--initial-temperature / NA
Initial temperature (for DA-ADVI).
double 2.0 [ [ 0 ∞ ] ]
--input / -I
Input read-count files containing integer read counts in genomic intervals for all samples. Intervals must be identical and in the same order for all samples. If only a single sample is specified, an input ploidy-model directory must also be specified.
R List[File] []
--learning-rate / NA
Adamax optimizer learning rate.
double 0.05 [ [ 0 ∞ ] ]
--log-emission-samples-per-round / NA
Log emission samples drawn per round of sampling.
int 2000 [ [ 0 ∞ ] ]
--log-emission-sampling-median-rel-error / NA
Maximum tolerated median relative error in log emission sampling.
double 5.0E-4 [ [ 0 ∞ ] ]
--log-emission-sampling-rounds / NA
Log emission maximum sampling rounds.
int 100 [ [ 0 ∞ ] ]
--mapping-error-rate / NA
Typical mapping error rate.
double 0.01 [ [ 0 ∞ ] ]
--max-advi-iter-first-epoch / NA
Maximum ADVI iterations in the first epoch.
int 1000 [ [ 0 ∞ ] ]
--max-advi-iter-subsequent-epochs / NA
Maximum ADVI iterations in subsequent epochs.
int 1000 [ [ 0 ∞ ] ]
--max-calling-iters / NA
Maximum number of internal self-consistency iterations within each calling step.
int 1 [ [ 0 ∞ ] ]
--max-training-epochs / NA
Maximum number of training epochs.
int 100 [ [ 0 ∞ ] ]
--mean-bias-standard-deviation / NA
Prior standard deviation of the contig-level mean coverage bias. If a single sample is provided, this input will be ignored.
double 0.01 [ [ 0 ∞ ] ]
--min-training-epochs / NA
Minimum number of training epochs.
int 20 [ [ 0 ∞ ] ]
--model / NA
Input ploidy-model directory. If only a single sample is specified, this input is required. If multiple samples are specified, this input should not be provided.
String null
--num-thermal-advi-iters / NA
Number of thermal ADVI iterations (for DA-ADVI).
int 5000 [ [ 0 ∞ ] ]
--output / -O
Output directory for sample contig-ploidy calls and the contig-ploidy model parameters for future use.
R String null
--output-prefix / NA
Prefix for output filenames.
R String null
Whether to suppress job-summary info on System.err.
Boolean false
--sample-psi-scale / NA
Prior scale of the sample-specific correction to the coverage unexplained variance.
double 1.0E-4 [ [ 0 ∞ ] ]
--showHidden / -showHidden
display hidden arguments
boolean false
--tmp-dir / NA
Temp directory to use.
String null
--use-jdk-deflater / -jdk-deflater
Whether to use the JdkDeflater (as opposed to IntelDeflater)
boolean false
--use-jdk-inflater / -jdk-inflater
Whether to use the JdkInflater (as opposed to IntelInflater)
boolean false
--verbosity / -verbosity
Control verbosity of logging.
The --verbosity argument is an enumerated type (LogLevel), which can have one of the following values:
LogLevel INFO
--version / NA
display the version number for this tool
boolean false
GATK version built at 25-30-2019 05:30:15.
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