This notebook examines gCNV callset annotations using data from this tutorial. The tutorial focuses its illustrations on small data from a single sample NA19017. This notebook analysis uses larger data, namely gCNV results from the tutorial's 24-sample cohort. The notebook plots annotations from gCNV results that used default model fitting parameters and from gCNV results that used sensitive model fitting parameters. Finally, the notebook collects metrics for each sample's gCNV callset and generates a clustered heatmap from the metrics.
The sections of this notebook are as follows.
Download an HTML version and the .ipynb
format notebook here.
Install and import Python packages
Prerequisites include Python 3, Jupyter and GATK4. Notebook results use v3.7.1, v4.4.0 and v4.1.0.0, respectively, and assumes a Unix environment.
! pip install numpy pandas matplotlib seaborn
import glob, os import numpy as np import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import seaborn as sns; sns.set()
1. Annotation profiles for default parameter results
1.1 Convert VCF annotations of interest to a dataframe table
gCNV segmented VCF results were previously converted to table format using the following command.
gatk VariantsToTable \ -V genotyped-segments-NA19017.alt_bwamem_GRCh38DH.20150917.LWK.high_coverage.vcf.gz \ -O annotations_NA19017.table \ -F CHROM -F POS -F END -GF CN -GF NP -GF QA -GF QS -GF QSE -GF QSS
Navigate to directory with the tutorial data and list tables.
%cd /Users/shlee/Downloads/0929-chr20XY-gcnv/a24 ! ls *.table
Generate a dataframe of the tablular data that includes all samples and is subset to chr20.
gcnvAll = []; for file in glob.glob("annotations_*.table"): tableFile=os.path.join("/Users/shlee/Downloads/0929-chr20XY-gcnv/a24/", file) gcnvLoop=pd.read_csv(tableFile, sep='\t') aColumnName = gcnvLoop.columns[3] sampleNameString = aColumnName[0:-3] gcnvLoop.columns = ['CHROM', 'POS', 'END', 'CN', 'NP', 'QA', 'QS', 'QSE', 'QSS'] gcnvLoop.insert(loc=0, column='sample', value=sampleNameString) gcnvLoop20=pd.DataFrame(gcnvLoop.loc[gcnvLoop['CHROM'] == 'chr20']) gcnvAll.append(gcnvLoop20[['sample', 'CN', 'NP', 'QA', 'QS', 'QSE', 'QSS']]) gcnvAll = pd.concat(gcnvAll, axis=0, sort=False) gcnvAll
Define subsets of dataframe by event type
# Normal diploid a = gcnvAll.loc[gcnvAll['CN'] == 2] # Deletions b = gcnvAll.loc[gcnvAll['CN'] < 2] # Amplifications c = gcnvAll.loc[gcnvAll['CN'] > 2] # Deletions and amplifications d = b.append(c)
1.2 Plot histograms of each event type
Plot the distributions as histograms.
fig, axs = plt.subplots(1,3, figsize=(18,6)) sns.distplot(a['NP'], ax=axs[0], kde=False) sns.distplot(b['NP'], ax=axs[1], kde=False) sns.distplot(c['NP'], ax=axs[2], kde=False) axs[0].set_title('Normal', fontsize = 18) axs[1].set_title('Deletions', fontsize = 18) axs[2].set_title('Amplifications', fontsize = 18) plt.suptitle('Histograms of gCNV event sizes', fontsize = 18) axs[0].set_ylabel('log counts', fontsize=18) axs[1].set_xlabel('size (kb)', fontsize = 18) axs[0].set_yscale('log') axs[1].set_yscale('log') axs[2].set_yscale('log') axs[0].set_xlim(0,15000) axs[0].set_ylim(0.8,2000) axs[1].set_xlim(0,80) axs[1].set_ylim(0.8,2000) axs[2].set_xlim(0,80) axs[2].set_ylim(0.8,2000)
(0.8, 2000)
1.3 Plot quality scores (QA and QS) and size (NP)
Plot quality scores QA and QS and size (NP) against each other. For the data, each NP (number of points) corresponds to a 1kb bin.
- CN: Segment most-likely copy-number call
- NP: Number of points (i.e. targets or bins) in the segment
- QA: Complementary Phred-scaled probability that all points (i.e. targets or bins) in the segment agree with the segment copy-number call
- QS: Complementary Phred-scaled probability that at least one point (i.e. target or bin) in the segment agrees with the segment copy-number call
fig, axs = plt.subplots(2,2, figsize=(18,12)) sns.scatterplot(x=d['NP'], y=d['QS'], hue=d['CN'], size=d['NP'], data=d, ax=axs[0,0], palette="RdBu") sns.scatterplot(x=d['QA'], y=d['QS'], hue=d['CN'], size=d['NP'], data=d, ax=axs[0,1], palette="RdBu") sns.scatterplot(x=d['NP'], y=d['QS']/d['NP'], hue=d['CN'], size=d['NP'], data=d, ax=axs[1,0], palette="RdBu") sns.scatterplot(x=d['QA'], y=d['QS']/d['NP'], hue=d['CN'], size=d['NP'], data=d, ax=axs[1,1], palette="RdBu") plt.suptitle('gCNV annotation plots (deletions & amplifications)', fontsize = 18) axs[1,0].set_ylabel('QS/NP', fontsize=12) axs[1,1].set_ylabel('QS/NP', fontsize=12)
Text(0, 0.5, 'QS/NP')
A number of trends are apparant, especially after normalizing quality scores by NP (bottom two plots).
- Copy number states cluster. Deletions appear to have higher quality than insertions.
- CN0 and CN4+ events are more confident than CN1 and CN3 events, respectively. That is, the closer the copy number state is to normal--here diploid--the harder it is to detect events.
- QS appears capped at 3077 and also has a lower bound that increases with QA.
The next set of plots separate deletion and amplification event types. Segment by event type and plot.
fig, axs = plt.subplots(2,2, figsize=(18,12)) sns.scatterplot(x=b['NP'], y=b['QS']/b['NP'], hue=b['CN'], size=b['NP'], data=b, ax=axs[0,0], palette="mako") sns.scatterplot(x=c['NP'], y=c['QS']/c['NP'], hue=c['CN'], size=c['NP'], data=c, ax=axs[0,1], palette="mako") sns.scatterplot(x=b['QA'], y=b['QS']/b['NP'], hue=b['CN'], size=b['NP'], data=b, ax=axs[1,0], palette="mako") sns.scatterplot(x=c['QA'], y=c['QS']/c['NP'], hue=c['CN'], size=c['NP'], data=c, ax=axs[1,1], palette="mako") plt.suptitle('gCNV annotation plots', fontsize = 18) axs[0,0].set_title('Deletions', fontsize=18) axs[0,1].set_title('Amplifications', fontsize=18) axs[0,0].set_ylabel('QS/NP', fontsize=12) axs[0,1].set_ylabel('QS/NP', fontsize=12) axs[1,0].set_ylabel('QS/NP', fontsize=12) axs[1,1].set_ylabel('QS/NP', fontsize=12)
Text(0, 0.5, 'QS/NP')
2. Annotation profiles for sensitive parameter results
2.1 Convert VCF annotations of interest to a dataframe table
Navigate to directory with the tutorial data and list tables.
%cd /Users/shlee/Downloads/4e779-chr20XY-gcnv-cohort/w24 ! ls *.table
Generate a dataframe of the tablular data that includes all samples and is subset to chr20.
gcnvAllSensitive = []; for file in glob.glob("annotations_*.table"): tableFile=os.path.join("/Users/shlee/Downloads/4e779-chr20XY-gcnv-cohort/w24/", file) gcnvLoop=pd.read_csv(tableFile, sep='\t') aColumnName = gcnvLoop.columns[3] sampleNameString = aColumnName[0:-3] gcnvLoop.columns = ['CHROM', 'POS', 'END', 'CN', 'NP', 'QA', 'QS', 'QSE', 'QSS'] gcnvLoop.insert(loc=0, column='sample', value=sampleNameString) gcnvLoop20=pd.DataFrame(gcnvLoop.loc[gcnvLoop['CHROM'] == 'chr20']) gcnvAllSensitive.append(gcnvLoop20[['sample', 'CN', 'NP', 'QA', 'QS', 'QSE', 'QSS']]) gcnvAllSensitive = pd.concat(gcnvAllSensitive, axis=0, sort=False) gcnvAllSensitive
The sensitive parameters give ~54K rows, which is roughly 5x more than the default parameter's ~11K rows. Next, define subsets of dataframe by event type
# Normal diploid a = gcnvAllSensitive.loc[gcnvAllSensitive['CN'] == 2] # Deletions b = gcnvAllSensitive.loc[gcnvAllSensitive['CN'] < 2] # Amplifications c = gcnvAllSensitive.loc[gcnvAllSensitive['CN'] > 2] # Deletions and amplifications d = b.append(c)
2.2 Plot histograms of each event type
Plot the distributions as histograms.
fig, axs = plt.subplots(1,3, figsize=(18,6)) sns.distplot(a['NP'], ax=axs[0], kde=False) sns.distplot(b['NP'], ax=axs[1], kde=False) sns.distplot(c['NP'], ax=axs[2], kde=False) axs[0].set_title('Normal', fontsize = 18) axs[1].set_title('Deletions', fontsize = 18) axs[2].set_title('Amplifications', fontsize = 18) plt.suptitle('Histograms of gCNV event sizes', fontsize = 18) axs[0].set_ylabel('log counts', fontsize=18) axs[1].set_xlabel('size (kb)', fontsize = 18) axs[0].set_yscale('log') axs[1].set_yscale('log') axs[2].set_yscale('log') axs[1].set_xlim(0,80) axs[2].set_xlim(0,80)
(0, 80)
2.3 Plot quality scores (QA and QS) and size (NP)
Plot quality scores QA and QS and size (NP) against each other. For the data, each NP (number of points) corresponds to a 1kb bin.
- CN: Segment most-likely copy-number call
- NP: Number of points (i.e. targets or bins) in the segment
- QA: Complementary Phred-scaled probability that all points (i.e. targets or bins) in the segment agree with the segment copy-number call
- QS: Complementary Phred-scaled probability that at least one point (i.e. target or bin) in the segment agrees with the segment copy-number call
fig, axs = plt.subplots(2,2, figsize=(18,12)) sns.scatterplot(x=d['NP'], y=d['QS'], hue=d['CN'], size=d['NP'], data=d, ax=axs[0,0], palette="RdBu") sns.scatterplot(x=d['QA'], y=d['QS'], hue=d['CN'], size=d['NP'], data=d, ax=axs[0,1], palette="RdBu") sns.scatterplot(x=d['NP'], y=d['QS']/d['NP'], hue=d['CN'], size=d['NP'], data=d, ax=axs[1,0], palette="RdBu") sns.scatterplot(x=d['QA'], y=d['QS']/d['NP'], hue=d['CN'], size=d['NP'], data=d, ax=axs[1,1], palette="RdBu") plt.suptitle('gCNV annotation plots (deletions & amplifications)', fontsize = 18) axs[1,0].set_ylabel('QS/NP', fontsize=12) axs[1,1].set_ylabel('QS/NP', fontsize=12)
Text(0, 0.5, 'QS/NP')
This gCNV callset yields some beautiful plots. The clustering by CN is more prominant here.
- More segments are hitting the QS cap.
- Interestingly, the lower right plot shows a concentration of large segments below the diagnal line. These large segments have lower (QS/NP):QA ratios than smaller events.
Segment by event type and plot
fig, axs = plt.subplots(2,2, figsize=(18,12)) sns.scatterplot(x=b['NP'], y=b['QS']/b['NP'], hue=b['CN'], size=b['NP'], data=b, ax=axs[0,0], palette="mako") sns.scatterplot(x=c['NP'], y=c['QS']/c['NP'], hue=c['CN'], size=c['NP'], data=c, ax=axs[0,1], palette="mako") sns.scatterplot(x=b['QA'], y=b['QS']/b['NP'], hue=b['CN'], size=b['NP'], data=b, ax=axs[1,0], palette="mako") sns.scatterplot(x=c['QA'], y=c['QS']/c['NP'], hue=c['CN'], size=c['NP'], data=c, ax=axs[1,1], palette="mako") plt.suptitle('gCNV annotation plots', fontsize = 18) axs[0,0].set_title('Deletions', fontsize=18) axs[0,1].set_title('Amplifications', fontsize=18) axs[0,0].set_ylabel('QS/NP', fontsize=12) axs[0,1].set_ylabel('QS/NP', fontsize=12) axs[1,0].set_ylabel('QS/NP', fontsize=12) axs[1,1].set_ylabel('QS/NP', fontsize=12) #axs[1,1].set_xlim(0,100) #axs[1,1].set_ylim(0,100)
Text(0, 0.5, 'QS/NP')
3. Collect per-sample metrics and clustered heatmap of the metrics
Here, the analysis continues with the sensitive parameter gCNV results.
binSize = 1000 sampleList = ["HG00096","HG00268","HG00419","HG00759","HG01051","HG01112","HG01500","HG01565", "HG01583","HG01595","HG01879","HG02568","HG02922","HG03006","HG03052","HG03642", "HG03742","NA18525","NA18939","NA19017","NA19625","NA19648","NA20502","NA20845"] gcnvCohort = []; for i in sampleList: gcnvSample = pd.DataFrame(gcnvAllSensitive.loc[gcnvAllSensitive['sample'] == i]) b = gcnvSample.loc[gcnvSample['CN'] < 2, ['CN', 'NP', 'QA', 'QS']] c = gcnvSample.loc[gcnvSample['CN'] > 2, ['CN', 'NP', 'QA', 'QS']] gcnvSampleSummary = pd.DataFrame([np.count_nonzero(gcnvSample['CN'] == 0)], columns=['cn0']) gcnvSampleSummary.insert(loc=0, column='sample', value=i) gcnvSampleSummary['cn1'] = np.count_nonzero(gcnvSample['CN'] == 1) gcnvSampleSummary['cn2'] = np.count_nonzero(gcnvSample['CN'] == 2) gcnvSampleSummary['cn3'] = np.count_nonzero(gcnvSample['CN'] == 3) gcnvSampleSummary['cn4'] = np.count_nonzero(gcnvSample['CN'] == 4) gcnvSampleSummary['cn5'] = np.count_nonzero(gcnvSample['CN'] == 5) gcnvSampleSummary['n-total'] = len(gcnvSample.index) gcnvSampleSummary['n-dels'] = gcnvSampleSummary['cn0'] + gcnvSampleSummary['cn1'] gcnvSampleSummary['n-amps'] = gcnvSampleSummary['cn3'] + gcnvSampleSummary['cn4'] + gcnvSampleSummary['cn5'] gcnvSampleSummary['bases-dels'] = b['NP'].sum()*binSize gcnvSampleSummary['bases-amps'] = c['NP'].sum()*binSize gcnvSampleSummary['avg-del-size'] = round(gcnvSampleSummary['bases-dels'] / gcnvSampleSummary['n-dels']).astype(int) gcnvSampleSummary['avg-amp-size'] = round(gcnvSampleSummary['bases-amps'] / gcnvSampleSummary['n-amps']).astype(int) gcnvSampleSummary['atOrAbove1kb'] = len(gcnvSample[gcnvSample['NP'] >= 1]) gcnvSampleSummary['at1kb'] = len(gcnvSample[gcnvSample['NP'] == 1]) gcnvSampleSummary['fractionAt1kb'] = gcnvSampleSummary['at1kb']/gcnvSampleSummary['atOrAbove1kb'] gcnvSampleSummary['median-qa-dels'] = b['QA'].median() gcnvSampleSummary['median-qa-amps'] = c['QA'].median() gcnvSampleSummary['median-qs-dels'] = b['QS'].median() gcnvSampleSummary['median-qs-amps'] = c['QS'].median() gcnvCohort.append(gcnvSampleSummary[['sample','cn0', 'cn1', 'cn2', 'cn3', 'cn4', 'cn5', 'n-total', 'n-dels', 'n-amps', 'bases-dels', 'bases-amps', 'avg-del-size', 'avg-amp-size', 'at1kb', 'fractionAt1kb', 'median-qa-dels', 'median-qa-amps', 'median-qs-dels', 'median-qs-amps']]) gcnvCohort = pd.concat(gcnvCohort, axis=0, sort=False, ignore_index=True) print ('Chromosome 20') gcnvCohort
Picking up trends by perusing the table by eye seems a tall order. Instead, visualize the data using a heatmap. Towards this, first normalize each data column. Normalize data columns of interest by subtracting the mean and dividing by the standard deviation
gcnvCohortIndex = gcnvCohort columnsToNormalize=['cn0', 'cn1', 'cn2', 'cn3', 'cn4', 'cn5', 'n-total', 'n-dels', 'n-amps', 'bases-dels', 'bases-amps', 'avg-del-size', 'avg-amp-size', 'at1kb', 'fractionAt1kb', 'median-qa-dels', 'median-qa-amps', 'median-qs-dels', 'median-qs-amps'] gcnvCohortNorm=(gcnvCohortIndex[columnsToNormalize]-gcnvCohortIndex[columnsToNormalize].mean())/gcnvCohortIndex[columnsToNormalize].std() gcnvCohortNorm.insert(loc=0, column='sample', value=gcnvCohort['sample']) gcnvCohortNorm=gcnvCohortNorm.set_index('sample')
A heatmap allows visualization of the metrics. A clustered heatmap further enables grouping the samples, as well as the metrics, by those that correlate.
<seaborn.matrix.ClusterGrid at 0x14be04ef0>
At glance, three samples stand out from the rest. Instead of sample names, we can label the rows by population to see whether the larger groupings correlate. Replace sample names with 1000 Genomes Project super population grouping. See here for designations
superGroup = pd.read_csv('participant.tsv', sep='\t') gcnvSuper = gcnvCohortNorm.merge(superGroup[['entity:participant_id','super_population']], how='left', left_index=True, right_on='entity:participant_id') gcnvSuper=gcnvSuper.set_index('super_population')
Redraw clustered heatmap with super population labels
<seaborn.matrix.ClusterGrid at 0x14c0ca8d0>
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