Yes, absolutely!
By default, the site will send notifications about replies to posts you make or comment on in the Forum tab. If you want to turn off notifications, or be notified about other topics or categories, read on.
Follow a post, article, or section using the Follow button
There are three different types of items you can follow to receive notifications on, but the process is the same for all of them. If you click on any forum post, article, or section, you will see a button. Clicking that will subscribe you to the thread, and you will receive email notifications whenever someone replies to that thread. For sections, you will receive notifications any time a new article is added.
Unfollow a post*, article, or section using the Unfollow button
When you follow something, the Follow button will be replaced with an button. Clicking that will unsubscribe you from that thread, and you will no longer receive email notifications of responses or new articles. By default, any post you make in the community you will automatically be subscribed to. This way, you will know when someone answers your question. However, if you'd like to turn that off, you can always click the unfollow button to do so.
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