Genome Analysis Toolkit

Variant Discovery in High-Throughput Sequencing Data

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Developed in the Data Sciences Platform at the Broad Institute, the toolkit offers a wide variety of tools with a primary focus on variant discovery and genotyping. Its powerful processing engine and high-performance computing features make it capable of taking on projects of any size. Learn more

How should I pre-process data from multiplexed sequencing and multi-library designs? Follow


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    Ury Alon

    Thanks for the great explanation.

    Regarding the following line:

    "Note that we used to do a first round of marking duplicates here for QC purposes but tool improvements have rendered this obsolete"

    If I am interested in the per-lane statistics (namely how many duplicates per lanes), how can they be extracted if MarkDuplicates is executed only once when merging the lanes into a single BAM?

    Looking at the metrics file (I'm using gatk v4.1.7.0), I see that the results are per library.  Does it mean that if I want per-lane statistics, I should modify the read group so each lane will have a distinct library (currently the all have the same library)?


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    Fred Zhou

    Finally I found this thread.

    Once you have pre-processed each read group individually, 
    you merge read groups belonging to the same sample into a single BAM file.
    You can do this as a standalone step,
    bur for the sake of efficiency we combine this with the per-sample duplicate marking step
    (it's simply a matter of passing the multiple inputs to MarkDuplicates in a single command).

    This is exactly what confused me... I tried this while the MarkDuplicates will discard the RG info and I cannot proceed...

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    Loren Cassin Sackett

    What is the recommended workflow if we study non-model organisms?  I don't have a set of known SNPs I can use in BQSR, so I was going to proceed straight to HaploCaller... but then I don't understand what comes next.  Would I use CombineGVCFs twice, once to combine lanes within a sample, and then to combine samples?  How does this influence downstream analyses, e.g., to calculate depth of coverage per individual at a specific loci, can I access that information easily or are the lanes still treated individually in the final dataset?

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